Genomics Expert Kevin McKernan Shares

1 year ago

すごい大変だった。💦 なんにせよ、遺伝子なぞ弄ってはいかんぜよ~

現在 🚩 - ゲノミクスの専門家ケビン・マッカーナンがCOVID mRNAワクチンに検出されたDNA汚染とDNA統合の予備的証拠の概要を発表





🚩 NOW - Genomics Expert Kevin McKernan Shares a Summary of the DNA Contamination Found in the COVID mRNA Vaccines & Preliminary Evidence of DNA Integration

"The fact checkers who told you this DNA won't get into the cell are proven wrong by this data. We can see DNA in there. It's a very high copy number...We've also found two genome integrations. This has not been replicated like all of our qPCR data, so this is very early, but we have fusions of DNA between the spike sequence and Chromosome 12 and between the spike sequence and Chromosome 9. This needs to be confirmed with long read sequencers where we can span the entire integration event...But we shouldn't be seeing any of this...So a little bit more validation to do in this but still a little bit concerning."

*From the 2/23/2024 International Crisis Summit-5 (ICS-5) in Washington DC. Quote is taken from the 9:50 mark.



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