( -0633 ) Covid Mind Control Part 1 - Have Captured U.S. Military Agencies Been Usurped Into a Stealthy, Coordinated Global Fascist Coup? Sounds Unbelievable...

1 year ago

Certificate of Vaccine ID Mind Control - Covid Mind Control Part 1 - Unraveling How the U.S. DOD and BARDA Are Part of A New Global Fascist Coup

Administration for Strategic
Preparedness & Response

Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority


Advancing innovation
PAHPA (Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act) charges BARDA to support innovation to reduce the time and cost of medical countermeasures and product advanced research and development. This was to be accomplished through development of technologies that assist the advanced development of countermeasures, investment in research tools and technologies, and research to promote strategic initiatives including rapid diagnostics, broad spectrum antimicrobials, and vaccine manufacturing technologies. PAHPAI provided further authorities for BARDA to promote innovation through industry assistance and partnerships.

BARDA has taken this innovation mandate as an opportunity to work with its partners (including NIH, DoD, CDC, industry, and academia) to create new ways to “make medical countermeasure better.” Examples of this approach to innovation could include the development of animal models to support efficacy testing, immune modulation and other broad-spectrum approaches, immunity assessment, and analytical (potency) assays.

A cited example of BARDA’s approach to innovation from the Pandemic Influenza program is BARDA's “Mix and Match” study, assessing various combinations of antigens and adjuvants to obtain a more robust immune response.[38] BARDA has stated plans to support similar initiatives, leveraging technology platforms and products from multiple companies. For example, PAHPA provided an “antitrust” authority that BARDA has used to facilitate cooperation between companies for whom such cooperation would otherwise be difficult to accomplish.

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