The truth about airport scanners

1 year ago

Anytime you are traveling, you want to opt out of that whole-body scanner. You know the scanner where they try to scan you when you walk through and they see you naked and all of that?
That scanner emits enough radiation for about 500 cell phones.

So when you walk through there, put your hands up and they scan you and see you naked and all that whole situation, they hit you with 500 times the power of a cell phone with radiation.

That's why all the people who work next to those devices end up getting really really sick and they come down with a lot of brain tumors and all kinds of things because they're being cooked every time that thing goes.

So, you want to opt out and say you want to do a pat down so that you do not have those frequencies bombard your cells. And it's real simple you're just asking you just opt out yes pat you down good to go.

So, you don't have to be cooked with those frequencies. And that's a lot of the times why people become sick when they're traveling. Because if you think about it, they go to get on the plane, they get hit with the radiation, they go to get off the plane, and then they haven't barefoot grounded and taken all that static off, and then it's accumulated. They're traveling, doing so many things, they haven't touched the earth, and then usually they come down with an illness because after they get back on the plane going back, they get hit again. And it's just a big bombardment.

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