We must stop sacrificing lives for military industrial complex

11 months ago

US active duty soldier video: We must stop sacrificing lives for military industrial complex. US spending US$700 millions /day bombing other countries but no money take care Americans problems! 美軍士兵:我們必須停止為軍工複合體犧牲生命。美國每天花7億美元轟炸其他國家,但沒錢照顧美國人的問題!

In 2010, a young soldier named Mike Prysner became a legend for a spontaneous speech saying that the US military fights wars not out of principle, but for Wall St and defense contractors. Today, the truth he spoke is widely known. 2010年,一位名叫麥克·普萊斯納的年輕士兵因自發性演講而成為傳奇人物,他說美國軍隊打仗不是出於原則,而是為了華爾街和國防承包商。如今,他所說的真相已廣為人知.

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