Candle Magic 101 Everything you wanted to know! FACE REVEAL! & Q & A

11 months ago

“Candle magic 101” refers to the basic principles and practices of candle magic, a form of sympathetic magic where candles are used as a focal point to manifest intentions, desires, or goals. Here’s a brief overview:

1. Selecting the Right Candle: Choose a candle color that corresponds to your intention. Different colors are associated with different energies and purposes (e.g., white for purity, red for passion, green for prosperity).
2. Cleansing and Charging: Before using the candle, cleanse it of any negative energies and charge it with your intention. This can be done through visualization, prayer, or other rituals.
3. Setting Intentions: Clearly define your intention or goal for the candle magic spell. Be specific and focus on what you truly desire.
4. Preparing the Space: Create a sacred space for your candle magic practice. This can involve cleansing the area with sage or incense, playing soothing music, and setting up any additional tools or decorations.
5. Lighting the Candle: As you light the candle, visualize your intention manifesting. Focus your energy and attention on the flame, concentrating on your desired outcome.
6. Monitoring and Focusing: Pay attention to the candle as it burns. Notice any signs, symbols, or messages that may arise during the process. Stay focused on your intention throughout the ritual.
7. Closing the Ritual: Once the candle has burned down completely or for a specific amount of time, close the ritual with gratitude. Thank the universe, deities, or higher power for their assistance and release your intention into the cosmos.
8. Disposing of the Candle: Dispose of the candle remains appropriately, either by burying them in the earth, throwing them in running water, or recycling them if possible.

Remember, candle magic is a personal practice, and there are many variations and interpretations. Trust your intuition and adapt the techniques to suit your individual preferences and beliefs. Additionally, always practice fire safety when working with candles.I’m just

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