Our “Bad Habits” Are Not a Real Part of Us

11 months ago

March 28 - Our “Bad Habits” Are Not a Real Part of Us
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We are the Love that God is. “Bad habits” do not exist within Love, for everything within Love is loving in nature. Yet, to fully understand and help in the healing of this world, most of us have chosen to fall asleep to who in truth we are. When asleep we dream that we are something other than Love. In this state we unconsciously allow ourselves to be programmed to believe that the characters we are playing within the dream are real. No matter how real the characters within the dream may appear to be, they still are but just figments of our imagination. How many times within a dream would we have sworn to the dream’s “reality,” and of the reality of the characters within the dream? That belief, no matter how strong it was, no matter how different from the energy of Love we think we are, is not real.

Today, let us understand that our bad habits, or any expression that seems to place itself in opposition to our loving nature, shows us when we are buying into the ego’s dream as real. Let us no longer punish ourselves for being asleep. Instead, let us use such instances to trigger in us the need to awaken. You awaken when you consciously value and choose love over fear, forgiveness over judgment, positivity over negativity, compassion over condemnation, and peace and trust in God over stressing out and being anxious. The more we practice such choices, the more we will notice how natural, good and right, they feel. The more we make choices that are aligned with the loving truth in us, the quicker we will drop our bad habits and false self concepts, and the sooner we will awaken from the dream.
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