February 2024 Other People’s Projects (OPP)

1 year ago

On this month’s episode of OPP (Other People’s Projects), I am sharing projects from:
Humphrey Dunn: Intarsia Bulldog (Judy Gale Roberts pattern), Intarsia Mermaid (Janette Square pattern), Intarsia Samuri (Serhan Sultanoglu, aka Chipilwood on Etsy, pattern)
Joe Pawlak: Intarsia Patterns created by Joe himself! Snickers, Buttons, Lake Louise
Kurt Tuttle: New Born Hand Routed Plaque
Paul Stephens: The Guardian intarsia (dragon)
Phill Gavin: Koala Intarsia (Kathy Wise pattern), Door Snow sign (Steve Good pattern), Christmas Layered projects (Steve Good patterns), Earrings, Acrylic projects, Cross and Bible (Steve Good pattern)
Jaquin Cruz Garzon: Band saw boxes
Lori Scott: Scroll Saw Ornaments (Steve Good pattern), Trivet
Mellanie Boone: Maddie Potts Silhouette Carving
Ron Ostromecki: Dragon Intarsia (Judy Gale Roberts pattern) and Fret work Mary with Christ (Bodas image)

Jim Merrow: Intarsia Cat (Judy Gale Roberts pattern) and Intarsia Butterflies (free pattern found easily online)

Teresa Gomoke: Incredible Pencil drawings: Emi cat, Olive cat, Annie paw drawings (Annie’s paw in mag), Winter street with lights, owl, candied apples, Mag page of Annie dog. All colored pencil.

This episode dedicated to my friend who recently passed away,
LaRoy Severson: Oregon hot plate with CNC, built his own.

Thanks everyone for sharing your awesome projects! Keep it up and I would love to see what else you create!

If you would like to share an item on OPP please send me an email and put OPP in the subject line. undeniablycy@gmail.com and tell me a little bit about your project.
Please follow up if you haven’t heard from me since I can’t seem to find stuff sometimes. :)
I would love to see and share what you've made!

Where to find me or how to contact me:
Cy’s Corner Rumble Channel: https://rumble.com/c/c-553423
Cy’s Corner CloutHub: https://clouthub.com/c/cyscorner
Cy’s Corner Odysee: https://odysee.com/@cyscorner:6
Cy’s Corner Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOoeZFDsNp4US0BEvevTQmw
Cy’s Corner YouTube Store Tab (T-shirts) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOoeZFDsNp4US0BEvevTQmw/store
Cy’s Corner Creations for sale: Hardwood Inspirations (Husband’s Website with Cy’s Corner tab) https://www.hardwoodinspirations.com/
Cy’s Corner YouTube Store Tab: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOoeZFDsNp4US0BEvevTQmw/store
Cy’s Amazon Store: (affiliate links to things I use. If you click and end up buying I get an amazon affiliate commission :) https://www.amazon.com/shop/cyscorner
Cy’s Corner Shop (Etsy): CLOSED
Cy’s Corner T-shirt Shop: https://my-store-caf310.creator-spring.com/
Cy’s Corner Website: https://cyscorner.wordpress.com/
Cy’s Corner Instagram: https://instagram.com/cyscorner
Cy’s Corner Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CysCornerShop/?ref=settings
Cy’s Corner Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/cyscorner
Cy’s Corner Theme songs by My Torn Genes: http://mytorngenes.com/

Cy’s email: undeniablycy@gmail.com

Send me a sticker and I’ll send you one!
Cy’s Corner
P.O. Box 104
Prineville, Oregon

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