Jordan Durante: Freemason Treasurer grandfather James Durrant murdered, millions stolen from Trusts?

1 year ago

Jordan Durante on how the murder of his grandfather, a Freemason, was covered up, and when he tried to reopen the case, he had attempts on his life.

On the evening of 26 October 1988 Durrant attended a Masonic function at the Connaught Rooms in Covent Garden in his role as treasurer of the Anglo-Dutch lodge (established 1942, erased 2014 due to lack of members). He then had dinner with friends at the Sugar Loaf pub at 40 Great Queen Street (now Philomena’s Irish Bar and Kitchen) before heading home. The first puzzle is how he got to Surbiton. Did he get a train from Waterloo? It appears there were no definite witnesses to his journey apart from a possible sighting at Surbiton station. That evening his wife Margaret was visiting their son Christopher for dinner. Later that night, concerned that he had not made contact, she and Christopher decided to head back to the couple’s home at 12 Cranes Park Avenue. After entering the three-bedroom house shortly before midnight, they discovered James Durrant lying dead on the floor. He had been killed with a single blow to the front of the head with a heavy, blunt but smooth edged weapon similar to a baseball bat. He had also suffered a knife wound to the upper half of his body, according to newspaper reports. There may also have been other, undisclosed injuries. Detectives found no sign of forced entry, suggesting he was either surprised when he entered the house or was accompanied by the killer as he made his way inside. Nothing was missing from the scene other than his dark leather wallet containing cash and miscellaneous correspondence, which suggested that the motive was unlikely to be robbery. The killer had not bothered to take other cash found on the body. The porch door had been closed but left unlocked after the murder. Neither of the murder weapons had been left at the scene. At a press conference a few days later, Margaret Durrant described the killing as “very puzzling”. She was not aware of anything that might suggest he was in danger and rejected any suggesting that there was a link to his membership of the Masons. Instead she and Christopher claimed that the killer could have been a drug addict or someone in need of money who followed the victim home from the railway station.

Our Family Story...
How Jordan got involved in the case

Jordan was living in Spain with his elderly parents who came to join him and he was concerned about finances and how to help his parents. One night in December 2019 a few days before the Christmas celebrations, Jordan remembered the name of his family trustee and executor who had been allegedly working on the family estates since 1989.The executor's job was to pay any tax liabilities and to obtain Mr James William Durrant's worldwide assets back to a trust which was settled by Mr Durrant and his wife Margaret Edith Durrant in the Isle of Man.

Jordan looked up the trustee's name and saw his firm had ceased trading or had even merged with another law firm.(link below)This is denied by the law firm and no firm will produce insurance details.


Jordan started some basic internet searches and found a theft of 5.5 million pounds from the trustee previous law firm by an employee called Mr Richard Alan Costain.

Jordan contacted the law firm who now has all of Stuart Smalley and co's private clients and commercial team of Stuart Smalley and Co and the staff were obstructive and produced the first accounts in years which were clearly not correct. Jordan explained the need for monies to help support his parents and for medical needs, no offer of help was shown to Jordan and his family.

Jordan flew alone to the Isle of Man from Southern Spain in February 2020 just before the pandemic and again no lawyer met Jordan on the Isle of Man nor did the trustee. Jordan located the trustee's house and knocked on the door and left a note again no contact from the trustee. The trustee actually reported Jordan to the police and pretended he was not on the Island but he was in court the next day with another case that links to the family affairs. Jordan was followed all over the Isle of Man police but sadly for both the police and the trustee Jordan had called the Isle of Man police first and reported himself from Southern Spain before setting foot on the Isle of Man as he knew the trustee tricks from reading some of the files before heading to the Island, when Jordan arrived back in Spain (followed by Isle of Man police back to Spain via Manchester police via Portugal to Spain) Jordan arrived back in Spain to find an attempted injunction by the trustee to stop Jordan coming any where near his home in the Isle of Man....

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