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Ex-NATO Official Harald Kujat on the Ukraine War & Geopolitical Change and Destroys the False Pro-War Narrative of the Neocons - February 16, 2024
Listen to former German General Harald Kujat at a public lecture in Berlin, Germany how he destroys the false pro-war narrative of the neocons.
This talk was held in German and is dubbed into English thanks to the brilliant work of Andreas Voss who makes these translations possible.
Shortly before the start of the Munich Security Conference (MSC), the former Inspector General of the Bundeswehr and Chairman of the NATO Military from 2002 to 2005, Harald Kujat, gave a very well-attended lecture on the topic: “The Ukrainian War, the rivalry of the great powers and the self-assertion of Europe”.
The think tank “Eurasia Society” invited, which claims to be committed to “peaceful coexistence and cooperative relations between the countries of Eurasia”.
The "NachDenkseiten" were there and filmed the lecture. In his lecture, in addition to a comprehensive analysis of the current military situation in the Ukraine war, Kujat devoted himself to possible solutions, took a look beyond the Western-transatlantic horizon and also analyzed the current change towards a multipolar world order as well as the current inability of European elites adapt to this change.
Harld Kujat has emerged in Germany as another outspoken critic of the way NATO and the Europeans are abusing Ukraine for the geopolitical benefit of the US. General Kujat is so outspoken that Wikipedia “knows” that he belongs to the inner circle of Vladimir Putin. Ha!
There are also a lot of Europeans who see behind the Propaganda and the veil of lies. Many thanks and a shout out to the German portal “Nachdenkseiten” for broadcasting this and to the “Eurasien Gesellschaft” for holding the event.
Source: (Neutrality Studies)
German spoken original video: (February, 16 2024)
Eurasien Gesellschaft:
so let's just start ladies and gentlemen considering the very different interests the propaganda the
disinformation yes I would even say the lies that are intertwined in this war in this Ukraine war and the entanglements
in Ukraine by many states but also around Ukraine one sometimes gets the
impression that this is an unsolvable gordian knot according to tradition Alexander
the Great found the solution to the gordian knot by using his sword he cut through the knot that tied The Chariot
of the frian king gordios to the Yoke of the horses thereby beginning his conquest of Asia Minor that is the
tradition according according to Plutarch but there is also another tradition which goes back to the Roman
historian Lucius flavius arenus according to this Alexander
solved the knot through the liveliness of his mind by recognizing the function of the Lynch pin for the resistance of
the knot and simply pulling out the pin you surely understand why I mention this
here I mention it because West policy follows the path of the sword it follows
this path because it lacks what distinguished Alexander the Great the vivacity of the spirit namely to
recognize that the key in the Ukraine war is a negotiated peace but let's start with a cursory look at the
geopolitical situation and then talk a bit more about the Ukraine war the 21st
century is characterized by the rise of China as an economic and Military superpower and by the Rivalry of the
great Powers namely the United United States Russia and China the Ukraine war has triggered a
new dynamic in the relationship of these great Powers also in their rivalry but
it has also created Clarity in an important case only China and not Russia
is capable of replacing the United States as the leading world power the current American National Security
strategy confirms my assessment as follows I quote the People's Republic of China is
the only competitor that both intends to reshape The Intern order and increasingly possesses the economic
diplomatic military and technological power to do so Beijing has Ambitions to
create an extended sphere of influence in the indopacific and to become the world's leading
power and that's why in the Ukraine war the United States aims to weaken Russia
its second geopolitical rival politically economically and militarily
to such an extent that they can focus on the confrontation with China their biggest adversary to achieve their
strategic goal the United States has sought close cooperation with Europe especially in the current federal
government they have found not just a willing Ally this Chancellor as his visit on Friday to Washington shows is
apparently also ready to take on a leadership role in the Ukrainian proxy war however should be considered that
the European allies just like in the Ukraine war are also intended to be involved in a future conflict with
China together with Australia Japan New Zealand and South Korea they are
supposed to form an indopacific network of Partners and allies against China One
might think this is a clever move by the United States to First Strike Russia the weaker of the two geopolitical Rivals
and then in a proxy war of course not directly to then turn to China the stronger
opponent however like the American strategy expert Haron Olman I believe that the USA is making a big mistake by
opening a strategic military two-front confrontation against China and Russia
Haron man described this as a ticking Time
Bomb therefore the war in Ukraine is a turning point for Europe it demonstrates
the determination to embark on the path to geopolitical self assertion politically economically technologically
and not least militarily much of what has happened in connection with the war in Ukraine over
the last two years becomes understandable when one knows that Germany plays a particularly important
role on the geopolitical chess board of the United States especially in its Russia
strategy for George fredman a respected American scientist and geopolitician it
is clear that Russia and Germany together would represent the only Power that could threaten the United States
therefore he says America must ensure that this does not happen the greatest
fear of the United States according to fredman is that German capital and German Technologies combined with
Russian raw materials and Russian production potential a unique combination that the USA has been
greatly afraid of for a century according to fredman after the collapse of the Soviet Union in the dissolution
of the Warsaw Pact Russia sought closeness to Nato the main idea was to
achieve close coordination with the alliance regarding the states formerly Allied in the Warsaw Pact and the now
independent former Soviet republics especially the Baltic
states what Russia had in mind was to solve crises and conflicts together with NATO thereby preventing a direct
confrontation between NATO and Russia the NATO Russia founding Act of 1997 and
the NATO Russia Council were established as a common basis for this a period of close political coordination and very
close military cooperation was initiated China is taking a moderate course
regarding the Ukraine war China is convinced that Global risks have increased since the war and that Western
countries bear the main responsibility for this this is because they have destroyed the existing International
order China promotes cooperation with Russia both want to contribute to the
construction of a multi-polar world which according to Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi will lead to the
decline of us hegemony the Taiwan issue could become the culmination point of
American Chinese geopolitical rivalry in the so-called Taiwan Relations Act of 1979 the United States
committed to providing Taiwan with weapons and other Support Services necessary for
defense however the agreement is vague regarding the type of support so far all
American presidents have left the matter somewhat
ambiguous this this strategic ambivalence was broken by the current American president he deviated from it
when asked whether American forces would defend the island in the event of a Chinese attack on Taiwan he answered yes
if there actually were an unprecedented attack Chinese president XI Jin ping
repeatedly stated that China is ready to achieve reunification with Taiwan by peaceful means unless there is no other
way than the military I quote him we insist on pursuing the Prospect of
peaceful reunification with the utmost sincerity however there is no commitment
to refrain from violence and the option to take all necessary measures Remains
the complete reunification of the motherland must and can certainly be realized I am convinced that the United
States would neither be willing nor able to defend Taiwan this is not only due to China's great geostrategic advantages
and the enormously growing conventional strength of the Chinese Armed Forces including the great superiority in
strategic technological areas such as Hypersonic weapon systems but also because China has caught up with the two
nuclear superpowers the USA and Russia in nuclear
strategy Char Richard American Admiral Charles Richard who was then the commander of the US strategic command
and thus responsible for the deployment of American nuclear forces said about the Ukraine crisis verbatim the
situation we are currently in is not just heating up the major crisis is still to come we will be tested in a way
we have not experienced in a long time when I assess the level of our deterrence against China then our ship
is sinking slowly but it is sinking the Ukraine war has promoted the formation
of competing geopolitical blocks while the United States the European Union and NATO are moving closer together a second
geopolitical block has formed around China and Russia the core of this block consists of the so-called bricks
countries namely Brazil Russia India China and South Africa as well as the Shanghai cooperation agreement this
group includes China India Iran Kazakhstan kyrgystan Pakistan Russia
Tajikistan and usbekistan China is working closely with Saudi Arabia in the
global oil market and in the use of nuclear energy and has also massively supported Saudi Arab Arabia's accession
to the bricks group furthermore China is pushing forward the creation of a commodity-based reserve currency as a
competitor to the so-called Petro dollar I.E the dollar also with the goal of
establishing a worldwide leading currency based on the gold
standard knowing that American power largely rests on the influence of the dollar this is a smart way to gain the
upper hand in this rivalry since the beginning of this year Saudi Arabia a formerly very close Ally
of the United States as well as Iran the United Arab Emirates Argentina Egypt and
Ethiopia have been admitted as new members of the bricks group that's 3.8
billion people of the world's population who have joined together in a common economic Union 3.8 billion and I would like to
add that currently 40 more states have expressed interest in joining these include Algeria Indonesia Pakistan
Mexico Nicaragua Uruguay Venezuela and even two NATO countries namely Greece
and Turkey the fact that the South American states in particular are showing interest is especially painful
the Americans are making great efforts for example to prevent Mexico's accession but due to the developments I
have just described it is all the more important that Europeans strengthen their ability to assert themselves and
become an independent actor in international politics this also includes the ability
for conflict prevention and containment a look at the European periphery already shows how necessary a European security
and defense capability
is there the great Powers have been engaged in a struggle over spheres of influence for
years the regional powers are waging a proxy war for regional dominance ethnic and religious
minorities are fighting for self-determination and Independence overpopulation religious
differences and the destruction of natural habitats through major drought disasters provide fertile ground for
islamist and fundamentalist terrorist groups these disasters occur in a zone that stretches from the Middle East to
Africa the war in Ukraine has led Europe to a Crossroads this war is not only about
the security and territorial Integrity of Ukraine it is also about a European security and peace order in which all
states of the European continent have their place moreover the dramatic Economic
Consequences of this war for Europe and especially for Germany are becoming increasingly apparent the starting point
of a war is always a specific political constellation I do not want to go into detail about the war in Ukraine this
evening but it is important to understand that a war does not just happen for example Putin does not decide one
morning at breakfast to invade Ukraine a war always has a long history and a war
leads to a new political
constellation the question of course is what this constellation looks like should it be permanent if that is the
case then it must be a solution that is politically agreed upon with both opponents and
supporters therefore clausewitz demands and no lecture by a former officer is
complete without clausewitz that politics must Prevail in a war and continue despite the hostilities this
leads to a dual approach on one hand the necessity of a secured defense capability to defend one's own country
and on the other hand the effort to achieve a negotiated peace to end the war if politics and diplomacy are
suspended as is the case in this war then the war as clausewitz defines it is an act of violence Without
Limits everyone sets the rules for the other this creates an interaction that leads to the extreme what we today call
escalation that is exactly what we have seen from the beginning the geostrategic position of
Russia and the USA the two main actors in this war could not be more opposite protected by two World oceans
with an ally in the north and a friendly state in the South the geostrategic factors of space and time Play No role
for the United
States and they are also not vulnerable with conventional means the United
States is an air and sea power in contrast for Russia because of its large land mass which is surrounded by many
states and crisis regions space and time are of existential importance also for historical reasons
Russia strives for military security to a special degree I have the impression that Russia is neither willing to shed
its history nor can it Escape its geostrategic situation the Strategic turning point in
the relationship between the United States and Russia was the year 2002
namely the unilateral withdrawal from the 1972 ABM Treaty on strategic missile
defense systems which was enormously important for the nuclear strategic balance between these two
superpowers at the same time a missile defense system was being built in Europe
which Russia had to understand as a threat to the nuclear strategic balance with the United States in 2019 the INF
treaty on nuclear intermediate range missiles which was so crucial for Europe's security was also unilaterally
terminated essentially the United States thereby gave Russia the opportunity to legally and in accordance with treaties
build a new Euro strategic nuclear threat poti potential against
Europe one year later the treaty on open Skies was unilaterally
terminated this treaty was very important as it allowed Mutual inspections and ensured transparency as
well as predictability of military actions nevertheless in 2021 the
agreement on InterContinental strategic Weapons Systems known as the American Russian arms agreement or the new start
treaty was mutually extended for 5 years there were even negotiations during the Ukraine war until Russia interrupted
them due to the massive support of Ukraine by the United States a security policy turning point was the NATO Summit
in 2008 in Bucharest where President Bush tried with great pressure to secure
NATO membership for Georgia and Ukraine when this failed as usual for Saving
Face a vague membership perspective was included in the communic the current CIA
director William Burns then the American ambassador in Moscow had previously warned the American government in a
telegram he wrote about the severe strategic consequences he emphasized that these
cannot be overestimated and that they would create fertile ground for a Russian intervention in Crimea and in
the east of
Ukraine there is no doubt that Putin will strike
back sharply today he is the CIA director however the real turning point was the
coup d'a orchestrated by the USA in February 2014 in keev this triggered the
Civil War in donbas and the denial of minority rights to the russian-speaking population as you know this was agreed
upon in the Minsk 2 agreement which was arranged by Mrs Merkel and the French president after that Ukraine was
supposed to carry out a constitutional amendment by the end of 2015 which would Grant the Russian
minority the same rights as the Ukrainian speaking citizens in the United States quite a
few are convinced that the war could have been prevented this would have been possible if there had been serious discussions
about Ukraine's NATO membership and greater autonomy for the russian-speaking population of donbass
within the Ukrainian State the war could also have been ended after 6 weeks in the Istanbul
negotiations at the end of March 2022 Ukraine and Russia reached a mutually
acceptable outcome essentially it was agreed that Ukraine would give up NATO membership
and adopt a neutral status in return Russian troops were to withdraw to their
positions before the war that is to the status of February
23rd of this agreement was not signed by Ukraine under pressure from the West at
the beginning of the third year of war in which we now find ourselves it is obvious that the fate of Ukraine will be
decided this year probably sooner rather than later the future of the country lies in the hands of the West Ukraine
needs money military equipment weapons and ammunition but above all it lacks
soldiers we are literally zalinski dependent on financial support otherwise
we lose he declared almost half of the Ukrainian state budget is financed by
the West any delay or reduction in the flow of funds could trigger State insolvency although Ukraine has
significantly contributed to its financial problems through pervasive corruption and continues to do so as
long as the war lasts Ukraine is dependent on comprehensive military support from the west but even many
years afterward the Reconstruction and economic recovery of the country require a large long-term commitment especially
from Europeans the chancellor has already positioned himself sometime ago at the
Forefront of the states that should enable Ukraine to continue the war as long as it deems necessary and he has
called on European States for greater willingness to
perform the chancellor has apparently played a significant role in getting all EU countries including Hungary to agree
to the European financing package however this package is to be distributed over 50 billion EUR from
2024 to 2027 compared to the American Support package of 60 billion EUR that's not
much it does not cover the financial needs of Ukraine to maintain government functions or the military support
needs however it gives the impression that Europeans might have to complet replace the USA if they drop out as the
main supporter this could happen if Congress refuses to release more funds or if
support is not only financially but completely discontinued after a change of government due to the difficulties in
enforcing the current support package which by the way has passed the Senate today there is some Hope from the USA
that it will also pass in Congress this week however I am not entirely sure as
many in the United States are skeptical alternative Solutions are already being
discussed for example Japan and South Korea which do not deliver weapons to war zones could give weapons to the USA
for forwarding to
Ukraine another option would be for Europeans to pay for American weapons intended for
Ukraine the coordination of support by the United States in the so called Ramstein format here in Germany is to be
taken over by nato in the future if you combine these three factors you will find that the europeanization of this
war has made a significant step forward however the USA does not only provide money and weapons they also make
a significant contribution to training Ukrainian soldiers deliver reconnaissance and Target data to the
Ukrainian armed forces in a timely manner and play a decisive role in operational planning these Services by
the way with a headquarters for Ukraine that was set up in Vis Boden are located in
Germany the European States could not provide the services listed especially the delivery of reconnaissance and
Target data the risk that Donald Trump could initiate a radical policy shift after
being elected president is high we know him from his time as president therefore
it is understandable that European politicians who think exclusively in terms of warfare scenarios
are watching Trump's initial successes in the primary campaign with
horror on the other hand the willingness to continue the war and to commit financially to it through arms
deliveries remains unbroken or even as a CDU politician demanded a few days ago
to expand the actions directly to Russia previously he said we are waging the war
because ITC turns militia presences in the donbass which to my knowledge are not so
overwhelming however it is a reason others including Germans whose names are
normally not mentioned have waged wars for similar reasons it is an illusion to
claim that currently no side has a military Advantage I would not describe the current situation as a PCT the
Ukrainian forces have largely lost the ability to wage an offensive land war after the failed offensive which was
celebrated in in Germany and other countries what they are doing now is evading and demonstrating through
attacks on Russian territory that they are still militarily capable this includes attacks on the
civilian population for example an event in belgrad where 25 people were killed
including five children in October the ukrainians attacked the city of detet
with American cluster
munitions for example the University was also set
on fire according to the laws of war under International humanitarian law this constitutes a war crime even if it
is directed against one's own population one must not commit war crimes against one's own population since the beginning
of October the Russian forces have taken the initiative however they have not like the Ukrainian forces launched a
large scale offensive instead they f focus on local points of attack with the goal of
consolidating their previous conquests and avoiding larger losses the current Russian focal points
are in Aviva where they are already present in the suburbs the complete conquest of aiva
would pave the way for the consolidation of the Eastern donbass region in the kupiansk area the Russians
have amassed over 40,000 troops apparently to conquer the K
region it is likely that the Russians will also take Essa the critical situation in Ukraine
has prompted the United States to develop a new strategy the Ukrainian forces are to go
into Strategic Defense for the time being similar to the Russians last year the goal is to hold the territory still
under their control from well fortified defensive positions and above all to reduce the high Personnel
losses this is intended to create the conditions for a long-term strengthening
and greater endurance of the Ukrainian Armed Forces as well as for the economy
they call this the four-phase strategy fight build recover and
reform they are currently trying to bring this strategy closer to president zalinski and above all to convince him
that in 10 years the Ukrainian Armed Forces will have significant combat power and a high deterrent Factor by the
end of this year the combat power of the Ukrainian Armed Forces should be significantly greater than it is
today however this means that the Ukrainian president would have to give up his goal of recapturing all
territories occupied by Russia including Crimea because the front is to be stabilized where it is now this strategy
which is planned for 10 years envisages that European allies undertake specific commitments for military and economic
support these commitments are to be defined in b finding National documents and agreed upon in a bilateral agreement
with Ukraine the 10-year commitment serves as a safeguard against the termination of
support for Ukraine announced by trump it is also intended to prevent a
change of government in a European country from leading to a change of
course the United Kingdom has already signed a course responding agreement with the Ukrainian
government the federal government is also ready to enter into this 10-year support and assistance
Commitment if all NATO States follow this example it could amount to Nato membership through the back door at
least in terms of collective defense under Article Five of the NATO treaty therefore there are
considerations in the USA to create a mechanism with Ukraine that resembles Article 4 of the NATO
treaty this this article provides for member states to consult each other when the territorial Integrity political
Independence or security of a member is threatened in this context the rift
between zalinsky and the military commander-in-chief General solush is of particular importance leading to Sal's
dismissal last Thursday the issue was ultimately about the responsibility for the mobilization
of 500,000 soldiers to compensate for the high Personnel losses the question was whether the
military I.E soli or the politics should take on this responsibility neither soli nor zinsky
wanted to take on this responsibility however fundamental disagreements about the conduct of
operations the achievability of political goals in this war and the Public Presentation of military
successes were
decisive failures when salushi publicly announced at the beginning of November last year
that the offensive was a failure he openly contradicted his president the
latter consistently presented the situation in an overly positive light and of course received more attention
and confirmation from Western politicians and the media for it Sol's dismissal occurred in an extremely
critical phase it will soon become apparent that zelinsky's decision was a big mistake by by the way his successor
is an ethnic Russian this shows how closely these two peoples are intertwined after the failure of this
offensive fear is growing in Europe there is concern that Russia's strategic goal might be the conquest of the entire
Ukraine after that the goal could be to attack the Baltic states or Poland and
start a war with NATO if you have read the welum sunog then you know that this was described in
great detail for some time now the German media has been advocating the thesis that the attack on Ukraine is
part of a long-term Imperial strategy the goal is to reclaim the sphere of
influence of the Soviet Union since the military situation has clearly turned in favor of Russia
so-called military experts are spreading War fear almost hysterically whether this is due to
ignorance ideological narrow-mindedness or sheer self-importance I do not
perhaps it's also about the effort to justify the Improvement of the bundes v's defense capability this is not
clearly recognizable obviously especially those who predicted a military Victory or War
gain for Ukraine some time ago want to mobilize further support for Ukraine without
hesitation they claim that a defeat of Ukraine would not satisfy Russia's hunger for power and therefore it would
not shy away from an attack on NATO countries Germany and Europe would then face a decade of Confrontation by Russia
it is remarkable that politicians justify the demand for a significant increase in defense spending with the
Assumption of an allegedly imminent Russian war of aggression for more than a decade German
politicians have accepted the Constitutional breach that occurred in 2011 through the so-called realignment
of the bundes Weare to make it very clear we do not need a dangerous War history to justify
that the bundes fair must be capable of national and federal defense it is entirely sufficient to finally fulfill
the Constitutional mandate the question remains whether there's convincing evidence that Russia will not only be
capable of attacking nato in a few years but is also preparing for it because Russia intends to do
so Putin rejected the accusation that he had set his sights on restoring the
Russian Empire saying nobody wants to believe us nobody wants to believe that
we are not trying to bring back the Soviet Union he added whoever does not miss the Soviet Union has no heart
whoever wants it back has no mind at the last valai Conference in
October of last year Putin stated I only quote this to show that there are no clear statements from Russia as they are
portrayed by us he said the crisis in Ukraine is not a conflict over territory I want to
emphasize that Russia is the largest country in the world we have no interest in reclaiming more
territories only one side is always depicted Hegel said the whole is the truth and the half is the untruth I
haven't heard the whole story in a long time what does it look like in practice is there even a prerequisite for an
attack on NATO States or for the conquest of the entire Ukraine because that would be the
prerequisite of theuk in its attack on Ukraine in February
2022 Russia deployed about 19,000 soldiers against a Ukrainian Force more
than twice as large this Force had been excellently trained and equipped by the West it must
have been clear to the Russian leadership that Conquering the entire Ukraine was impossible
even if they are always portrayed as incompetent by the West they still understand basic
arithmetic with 19 190,000 men one cannot assume that Russia intended to
conquer the entire Ukraine that is simply out of the question moreover a Russian occupation of this large country
would require a huge effort in terms of occupation troops for comparison 300,000
Russian soldiers were stationed in the small gdr how many would it have to be in the vast
Ukraine another point is that Russia's ambition has always been to have a buffer between Russia and
NATO this buffer would be gone if the whole of Ukraine were occupied this
would mean that NATO soldiers and Russian soldiers would be directly facing each other the risk that a
confrontation could start due to human or technical failure which then could not be politically controlled would be
and we have seen throughout the entire Ukraine war that both Russia and the United States have always tried to avoid
a direct confrontation so that was not possible at the Time in the West this was
celebrated as a major embarrassment for the Russians because they were unable to assert themselves that's a different
story but there's something else I want to quickly mention in the course of the Istanbul
peace negotiations at the end of March 2022 Russia then due to the positive
course of the negotiations for both sides and as a sign of Goodwill withdrew its troops from the conquered areas
around Kiev and contractually assured the complete withdrawal to the status before the start of the attack namely to
February 23rd 2022 therefore I assume that the attack
on Ukraine is not part of an imperial plan to reconquer the former Soviet spheres of INF fluence or even all of
Europe for that matter of course War objectives can change over the course of a war whether
the assumptions about Russian attack intentions are correct could be very easily determined by agreeing to a
ceasefire followed by peace negotiations moreover as a result of the
negotiations Arrangements could also emerge that prevent Ukrainian territory from being used by Russia as a staging
area for an attack on Central Europe
furthermore agreements could be made with Russia that would primarily increase the security of the Baltic
states they could also contribute to Greater stability between NATO and Russia overall for example I am thinking
of an updated CFE treaty this would include the limitation of conventional Armed Forces with a new flank
Arrangement equally important would be confidence-building military measures these measures would contribute to
Greater transparency and predictability of political military actions apparently it is particularly
important to Moscow to prevent the expansion of NATO through the membership of Ukraine up to the Russian
border Russia has been pursuing the goal since the 1990s of creating a strategic buffer zone to Nato a so-called Cordon
saner this idea has been revived recently in the form of of a demilitarized zone on Ukrainian
territory recently however Russian operational leadership also shows that Russia is taking
precautions these are intended to reduce the risk of Western troops intervening in the war to prevent a total defeat of
Ukraine in Germany the fact that an agreement initialed by both sides was
reached in Istanbul at the end of March 2022 is suppressed or denied this is the
case even though not even the Ukrainian government denies this Ukrainian negotiators have confirmed
this publicly on multiple
occasions the reasons for this are obvious a closer look at the content of the agreement would show that Ukraine
had achieved a very good result a result that would have ended the war on quite
acceptable terms for Ukraine after 6 weeks any reasonable person would then
ask ask why zalinski was not willing to prevent the death of half a million ukrainians and the destruction of the
country by signing it especially after he had spoken positively about the negotiations in Russian media during the
talks and any reasonable person would also continue to ask why he and the western states supporting him above all
are still not willing to give peace a chance now the politicians who prevented peace between Russia and Ukraine at the
beginning of April were obviously convinced that Russia could be defeated by Ukraine with their
support that this was a fiction should have become clear to everyone by now the
ukrainians have achieved what their armed forces were capable of with Western support the West should therefore no
longer burden itself with guilt for the tragic fate of the Ukrainian people Ukraine will never be able to
defeat Russia militarily even with Western support through weapons and ammunition supplies and the training of
Ukrainian so
soers even the delivery of so-called game changers sometimes tanks sometimes
something else repeatedly demanded by lay people are not the hoped for miracle
weapons moreover others have hoped for miracle weapons before in any case they
are not capable of changing the Strategic situation in favor of Ukraine the Ukraine Ian armed forces are in an
extremely critical condition after the high losses they no longer have the strength to achieve a strategic
turnaround the bitter truth is that despite massive support from the USA and Europe with modern weapons a military
defeat of Ukraine is emerging nevertheless our media says that more weapons need to be
delivered but weapons cannot replace soldiers therefore it looks as if Ukraine now wants to shift the war to a
different level as I have already mentioned thus acting deep into Brussels with weapon systems I think the window of
opportunity for a negotiated peace could quickly close if the West does not seriously strive for a negotiated peace
the fate of Ukraine will be decided on the battlefield and when the weapons fall silent Ukraine will no longer be
what it once
was the West might even feel compelled and this is my great fear to prevent a
devastating military defeat of Ukraine by actively intervening this would create a real
danger of a major European War breaking out on the European continent including the risk of a limited nuclear
war although both superpowers Russia and the United States have made great efforts to prevent exactly this it
remains to be hoped that it will still be possible to prevent the war from spreading across all of Europe if not
now I am back to Alexander the Great through the liveliness of the spirit of a leading politician then perhaps
because reason prevails I can't think of anyone at the moment can you think of someone who
could be said to have liveliness of spirit I don't understand why government officials are not consulted yes I am
alive but not of the spirit so the last point I want to make and I really want
to emphasize this to you is the following historians have repeatedly asked themselves how it could happen
that the European powers stumbled into the first world war the original catastrophe of the 20th
century hopefully historians in the future will not have to ask how the Ukraine war could become the original
catastrophe of the 21st century thank you for your
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