Is the SD RINO Establishment Finally Revealing Their Full & True Agenda?

1 year ago

It seems as if the SD establishment is panicking right now and shoving through bills that give them more control and strips those at the county level of the power they rightfully and legally hold. It seems like the Establishment wants a completely centralized government to where they have full control over how the state is managed and our elections are done, stripping us of our voice and abilities to make a difference at the local levels. This is seen through how they "hoghoused" HB 1140 which would ban hand counting ballots and local county commission authority to hold elections like they want, as well as SB 201 which takes power away from counties yet again to protect themselves from the carbon pipeline land grab.

All content on this rumble page as well as my social media accounts and website are for entertainment and my opinion only.

Picture credit: Mya Olson

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