Your Gift to the Present Moment is You

11 months ago

March 25 - Your Gift to the Present Moment is You
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Every breath you take is a gift, an acknowledgment by God that you still have great work to do on this planet. Accept and reinforce the light that you are, by gifting your sisters and brothers the opportunity to recall this same light in them. Is it “by chance” that out of 7 plus billion people you have been place in front of those you interact with and they in front of you? No, the Divine is certainty not chance, He does not make mistakes, He has chosen you to help lead your brothers and sisters out of the darkness and He has chosen them to help remind you, through your actions, of your true everlasting loving light. Doubt yourself no longer, no matter who is place in front of you, they are God’s gifts to you and you are His gift to them.

Today become the physical symbol of the present moment. Today become the gift you came here to be. When your brothers and sisters experience anxiousness and stress, know that you are in their presence to remind them of their ability to instead choose to trust in God’s plan and find peace. When they are drowning in judgment and anger, reach down into the ego’s whirlpool and raise them back up through the examples that forgiveness and compassion has taught you. When they are sad or feel alone, sit with them, hold their hands, and serve as a reminder that hope, kindness, and light still exists within all of us, even in the seeming darkest of times.
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