"I'd Love to See You Try"

1 year ago

"I'd Love to See You Try" is my newest original song from the "Simplify" collection for 2024. It's about a guy trying to persuade the object of his affection to be more forceful with him. Many thanks to my engineer, co-producer (and keyboard soloist on this tune), Dave Feltenberger. Please crank it up, enjoy, and let me know your opinions. Thanks, as always, for watching and listening. Greg

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Apple Music https://music.apple.com/us/album/simplify/1730603761
I Tunes https://music.apple.com/us/album/simplify/1730603761
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Deezer https://www.deezer.com/us/album/545473342

“I’d Love to See You Try” (Greg Favata © 2024)

Verse 1:
You’ve never danced in my arms on a soft, summer night
Or kissed me hour after hour by the pale moonlight
You never gazed in my anxious eyes till I let out a sigh
Or leaned in close to my waiting ears and whispered I’m your kinda guy -

But I’d love to see you try
Yes, I’d love to see you try

Verse 2:
You’ve never shared your desires with a sly little grin
Or ever dragged me along for a nightful of sin
You never dug your nails in my back 'til I let out a cry-
Or loved me 'til I’m outta breath , gasping and drainin’ me dry

But I’d love to see you try
Yes, I’d love to see you try

You never dug your nails in my back 'til I let out a cry-
Or loved me 'til I’m outta breath , gasping and drainin’ me dry

But I’d love to see you try
Yes, I’d love to see you try

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