God Will Raise Up New Leaders with a New (Old) Standard of Leadership - Torben Sondergaard

1 year ago

Hi friends,

I hope you are doing well. We are currently in Mexico and witnessing amazing things that God is doing. God has truly led us here and confirmed it in a powerful way. If you haven't seen the video where I shared about it, you can watch it here.

The narrow road leads to righteousness. God's Call: Miraculous Healing and Strong Confirmation

• The narrow road leads to righteousnes...

One area where God worked in me during my time in prison is in relation to leadership. Now that I am out and speaking with others in The Last Reformation, I hear that God has been working in the same way in many others, and I am very excited about that. This is truly something that God desires.

Many of us have been disappointed and hurt by leaders. Personally, as a new believer, I had many negative experiences. Because of that, I have always had a desire to see something beautiful and biblical. In my book, "The Last Reformation," I also have different chapters about leadership and how we should not misuse it to control people but instead be like parents who lay down their lives for their children.

When I look at TLR, I see that we are far from that ideal. In some countries, I see something beautiful and biblical, while in others, it is not as exciting and can be quite messy. I realize that I need to step in and take responsibility for that. I need to work towards laying a solid foundation together with others so that we can all witness something amazing.

I am sorry and hurt for all the people in our network who have been hurt by immature leaders and a lack of accountability that we see in many places.

I have just released this video, and in it, there is also an invitation for people in the States, as that is where we will begin. However, we hope that this will grow and eventually reach everyone.

In this video, you can hear that our first step towards this is providing teaching and training for those who see themselves as elders and leaders, and those who desire this role.

Watch the video and share it with others. It starts with us, but this is for the entire body of Christ. As I mentioned at the beginning of the video, it is truly something that God is doing. The reason we see a mess in the churches right now, with leaders falling into sin or being exposed, is not only an attack from our enemy. God is cleaning out and building something new. The Bible says that judgment begins in the house of God, and we need to have a firm foundation in the rock, otherwise, we will not withstand the waves.

“However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name. For it is time for judgment to begin with God's household; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?” 1 pet 4:16-17

God bless you and thank you for your love and support. We will be sharing much more about this later. If you have questions or other things you are very welcome to reach out to us.

Blessings from Mexico
Torben Sondergaard

Note: If you are living in the US and feel called to be a leader or elder in the body of Christ in connection with TLR, and if you are interested in joining the teaching and training I talk about in the newly released video, please let us know. We have already sent invitations to all the team leaders in the US. After this training we will remove all green markers and start a fresh.

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