#107 – Biblical Worldview (Part 2)

1 year ago

It’s no secret that America is in the middle of a culture war. This battle between good and evil seems to be accelerating at a head spinning pace. What was once morally unacceptable is now not only tolerated, but celebrated. And while the Church once stood as an agent for righteousness and cultural stability, it’s not only largely silent, but in many ways it has been infiltrated with woke ideology, compromised the truth, and is now actively embracing a leftist social activism. It seems the culture is affecting the church more than the other way around.
Today’s guest is an expert in developing next generation leaders who live for Christ and courageously engage in preserving the culture.

Meet Dr. Jeff Myers.

He is the President of Summit Ministries in Colorado. As an educator and entrepreneur, Dr. Myers has become one of America’s most respected authorities on youth leadership development to reflect the character of Christ in the culture. He is the author of 16 books, and teaches an exclusive Signature Leadership Course that prepares high school and college students to become leaders for Christ in the real world.


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