Sacrificing Palestinians to create A New Islamic Empire to Save Gaza and Kashmir [Inspirational]

11 months ago

Sacrificing Palestinians to create A New Islamic Empire to Save Gaza and Kashmir [Inspirational]

Islamic, Muslim nations abandoned Palestinians in Gaza, Westbank, here's why...

Sacrificing Palestinians to create A New Islamic Empire to Save Gaza and Kashmir [Inspirational] - The Arab nations have to allow Palestine to suffer and die in order to create a new and stronger Islamic Empire! Wow, talk about harsh...breaks my heart...

Original title of this video that explains it all. A New Islamic Empire to Save Gaza and Kashmir [Inspirational] 33,910 views Feb 28, 2024 #Islam #Palestine
Thinking about Palestine while imagining a single Islamic World united under a single banner as a single country. The CJ Werleman Show

They've all been sold out to US and Israeli business interests. US and Israel have supplied them with US made military weapons and billions in business deals. They've literally turned their backs and allowed defenceless, starving, homeless Palestinians to die a slow agonizing death instead of attacking the Zionist criminal barbaric state.

They're heartless shame will haunt them the rest of their lives...

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