"Cute Dog Attention Hog"

7 years ago

"Someone once said - smaller the man, bigger the ego. Well, it seems that the same goes for dogs too! The smaller they get, the more personality they have, and the cutie pup in this video is not any different! There is no doubt she's absolutely beautiful and charming, and also very photogenic. Just look how adorable she is and how professional she's posing for her lady owner. This puppy is definitely looking for her big moment in the limelight. And now, when she finally gets it, she just wants more! This doesn't seem enough for her. Just a couple of minutes? Oh, no. This spotlight-craving pup was perfectly content to sit and look pretty for her owner, but as soon as she suspected that the lady owner's attention went somewhere else, her diva personality came out, and she simply walked right out the door! Well, if you ever wondered what a real attention hog is, here's your chance to find out."

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