Senate District 10 Republican Candidate BREAKDOWN on Gun Rights:

10 months ago

OGO's sixth "F" rating of the 2024 Republican Primary Election goes to Former State Representative Kyle Koehler.

Koehler, who is running to replace outgoing State Senator Bob Hackett in Senate District 10, talks a good game, but he REFUSES to fill out his 2024 Ohio Gun Owners candidate survey. That means Koehler refuses to go on record against Red Flag Gun Confiscation (which many RINO's support) and other gun-control bills.

And sadly, his voting record isn't what he makes it out to be.

Kyle Koehler joined the Democrats to vote for HB123 in 2020, which allows gun-control organizations like Sandy Hook Promise and Moms Demand Action access to kids in Ohio's public schools to teach them 'social inclusion' programming and anti-gun propaganda.

In addition, Kyle sponsored a gun-control amendment to the Permitless Carry bill, SB215, that would have required gun shops to distribute information to gun buyers informing them they had a "duty to retreat" if they were attacked in public (which would've gotten innocent people hurt or killed, if it had passed. Thankfully, our members stopped it).

Worse, Koehler REFUSES to say he'll vote for the Ohio Second Amendment Preservation Act, which prevents Ohio law enforcement from ever enforcing Joe Biden's federal gun-control tyranny.

If you see Kyle Koehler on the campaign trail, tell him to APOLOGIZE for his attacks on gun owners, for his continual narcissitic self-aggrandizement, for staying silent on gun-control, and for REFUSING to publicly support the biggest gun rights bill in Ohio history.

And on March 19, vote PRO-GUN in the Senate District 10 Republican Primary election!

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