Gold Star Families DESERVE A Relaxing Vacation On This 6500 Acre Utah Ranch

1 year ago

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Have you ever received that phone call? The one where your life is suddenly and forever changed because someone you love has died or been permanently disabled?

Many spouses and children of service members and first responders know exactly what that's like.

So does Sara. in 2011, her husband called her to tell her he had been "nicked up" fighting in Afghanistan. But Sara knew it was likely much worse than that, and it was. Her husband was permanently blinded and blessed to be alive.

But Sara was not the only family member whose life changed that day. Her stepdaughter, Erica, was studying overseas when she received the news and it would be months before she could see her dad in person.

Being the daughter of an elite soldier, and now married to one as well, Erica, has a passion for serving military and first responder families. Her family operates the Warrior Rizen Foundation, which brings families dealing with devastating losses or permanent change to the Warrior Rizen Ranch for a time of rest, rejuvenation, and inspiration for the journey ahead.

Today, Erica and Sara discuss what it's like to get that phone call and having to accept that things will never be exactly the same again. But they also discuss how vitally important it is to keep living and striving and achieving more than you thought possible. And Erica shares how the Warrior Rizen Foundation and ranch help in that healing process.

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