Galatians 5:1-15 “Fallen from Grace” 2/25/2024

11 months ago

Freedom is an important part of Paul's argument…we have been set free, why would you want to go back into bondage?
Here is the important thing to remember…we did not…nor could we ever…even if we wanted to…set ourselves free.
Let's say you committed a crime…but instead of turning yourself in…you ran and hid.
You may be free…but are you really? The penalty for the crime you committed is always going to hang over your head.
You will always be in bondage to your crime.
The only way you can be set free from this bondage hanging over your head…is to face the punishment for your crime.
We are all guilty before God for our sins…and the punishment we all face is death because the wage of sin…is death.
Our sin keeps us in bondage…and one day we will face the punishment for our sin…which is eternal death and separation.
The only way we can be set free from that death sentence is by placing our faith in Jesus Who took our sins upon Himself…
He traded places with us!

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