Get a Ride: Uber with VoiceOver

10 months ago

Uber, and other ride-share services, can greatly broaden the horizons of those who would otherwise have their mobility limited by the availability of friends, family and public transportation.

On today's Tech Connect, our Assistive Technology Experts are discussing how to safely use these modern ride share services from a blind and low vision perspective. It is important to stay safe, thankfully Cory and Luke have a few tips and tricks to make sure you get where you need to go, and safely!

Cory and Luke are here to walk you through everything you need to know in order to get started using these ride sharing services. If you have any additional questions about Uber, please add those down in the comment section and we will endeavor to help.

0:00 Start
0:45 Introduction, Favorite Locations and Recent Rides
4:45 Searching for specific, new destinations and general businesses
7:40 Different Types and costs of Uber Rides: X, Black, Green, Pet?
11:00 Confirming Pickup, Payment and Ride Details and Communication
14:05 Goof
15:10 Activity: Past Rides, Reviews, Reporting Issues, Lost Items!!!
18:35 Wrap up Review, Tips for getting dropped off correctly,
21:20 Contact Info
23:15 Goof #2

Join us next time on Tech Connect, and be sure to leave your thoughts down in the comments below and ask plenty of questions!

Vision Forward's Tech Connect continues to bring you the information you need to make the most out of your devices. Our experts know there are many factors to consider, so if you have any follow up questions please post them in the comments and we will help you find the assistive tech that's best for you.

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Looking for the full playlist?

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