One of The Most Heartless Evil Human Beings on The Planet! Professor David Keith, Geoengineer!👿

7 months ago

"The Greatest Trick the Devil ever pulled was Convincing the World He Did NOT Exist," Means that the Devil aims to Hide Himself completely from the Eyes of Mankind, while He continues His Never Ending Work to Turn People Away From God.👍🆘👇🙏 Let Me Introduce You to One of The Most Heartless Evil Human Beings on The Planet! Professor David Keith, Geoengineer!👿 Only a Psychopath would want to Poison & Robbed The Earth of its Life-Giving Nutrients! Like Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide & The Sunlight itself! Carbon Dioxide is a Chemical Compound with the Chemical Formula CO 2. It is Made up of Molecules, that each have One Carbon Atom covalently double bonded to Two Oxygen Atoms! 🌲Plants use Photosynthesis to Capture Carbon Dioxide & then Release half of it into the Atmosphere through Respiration. Plants also Release OXYGEN into the Atmosphere through Photosynthesis! The Benefits of Sunlight!🌞
Better sleep, Improved mood, Stronger, bones, Vitamin D, Lower Blood Pressure, Reduced Depression, Cancer Prevention, Heal Inflammation, Improve Symptoms of Mental Health! Trees are Dying! No Birds! No Insects! Our lands, Our Waters, and Our People are being Poisoned! We must put down the Hypnosis Devices, Mad Scientist have Created for Us to be Deceived, Divided, and Distracted! We have No Choice! We Must Unite and Fight these Lunatics that are Controlling every Aspect of Our Lives! We have No Choice Here! I wish there were some other way, but it will be War. We must shut off all Electricity to these Devices & Stop the Toxic Chemtrail Operations! Stop the Mayhem now!🆘️Weather Manipulation Technologies Hid from Public Since 1965!🛰️ We Must Stop These Toxic Chemtrail Operations! Nothing Else Matters! Your Fancy Bars, Cars, Houses, Video Games, Ball Games, Television Shows! The List can go on! None of that Matters any Longer! Only the Fight to Save Our Planet🆘Our Freedoms! That's all that Matter Now! We must Concentrate every Moment of Our Lives! For the Effort to Save Everything! Commercial Fisherman, Standing By! We Must Realize, We are Under Hypnosis! OUR Uniformed Personnel! Must Stand With The People! Not The Corporate Corrupt Government! We Have Today!🆘👇🙏

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