Bringing Down Walls.

1 year ago

End time Prophecy is now taking place, right before our eyes.

This message is to reveal truth and to peel away the layers of deception, so we may have a better understanding, of what Yah is truly saying, regarding Isreal, Yasharel.

In order to understand End time prophecy, it is imperative to understand who he is speaking to and who he is speaking about.

What the world calls The 2nd coming, or The Day of The Lord or, The Day of Yahuah
Is a day of judgement on the heathen gentiles and the persecutors of Yahsharel and Judah.
Contrary to what Christianity has taught us.

FYI Disclaimer.
The Intent of this video is not of hatred or bias towards any nation, race or ethnicity of people.
The Bible or the original term, Scriptures, has never been taught correctly as to create division, strife and confusion among true believers, and Yahs true people, the so-called blacks.

The Society of Jesus, Jesuits, the Catholics have tainted the protestants' doctrine and now have control over all church and state. All we have is his word, it must be rightly divided, or else it will be taught in vain, because the hearer is deceived into the doctrine that was preached century after century, while the unknowing perish for lack of understanding.

#truthatallcosts #falsechurch #christianity #grafted #gentiles #yahisthemosthigh
Be Blessed


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