Diesels have no emission regulations

11 months ago

the government is doing its best to ban woodstoves, blaming them for 27% of the particulate in the entire province...INCLUDING spring summer and fall when not a single woodstove is burning.

yet people don't realize that there is ZERO regulation of diesel trucks and equipment in Canada, so not only every redneck and his dog is driving an old POS worn out diesel, but every corporation buys these worn out POS smoke spewing heavy equipment for all over the rest of the world where there are strict regulations and brings them to canada for a song.

diesel is one of the worst offenders of pollution, super toxic compounds and elements, a good portion of diesel doens't even burn, which is why the black smoke and oil black as coal, heavy with detergents to clean the bearings.

back in the day everyone drove propane, but that was to clean, engines would last a million miles, never needing oil changes or tune ups bc it was so clean. propane is a garbage fuel from refining which now they just burn off, adding to more methane CO@ and ACIDS that are decimating the naturl world, the plants.

test the rainwater, it is now acid, which is why the plants are dying, bc they can't absorb nutrients.

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