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148. Enhance Your Balance and Healthy Longevity - Dan Metcalfe
Balance Board Training System
Rediscover your balance and unlock a more active lifestyle with the 60UP balance board system. The board's design reengages neurological connections, retraining your brain to improve subconscious movement and making everyday tasks easier and safer.
19:57:01 From nareshchand :
Affordable, safe, and effective Mg Tea (each person can find his or her optimal dose and time of sipping) 10-20 cents per day. Magnesium-rich hot water (Dr. Chand calls it CALM Tea in boiling water; sip slowly when tolerably warm).•
How to make Calm Tea Dr. Naresh Chand Dr. Michelle Gamble DN.
CALM TEA for sleep and Alzheimer's. Naresh Chand, Ph.D., Courtesy of ADRxSynergy
19:57:52 From robert fischer To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : I'm back! I'll call.
19:59:13 From Linda Anderson : He Shou Wu, Chinese herb, for hair color, long life
19:59:22 From iPhone : What was the name you just said other than castor oil?
20:00:08 From Joel B Peterson : @ Dr Michelle Training Videos are on their site, and on YouTube!
20:00:13 From Maura : I have Queen of Thrones castor oil - hexane free- extra virgin etc In glass bottle
20:03:11 From Martha : Dr. Dan – When I am rocking back and forth on my 60uP balance board, do I want to be keeping the top part of my body “upright” and be doing the majority of the “balancing action” with my legs? Or should I rock my entire body back and forth?
20:04:06 From Maura : Book out there “Edgar Cayce and the Palma Cristi “
20:04:52 From Doris Fellenz : Martha, I keep the top part upright. I am more balanced that way. I wait to hear what Dan says.
20:05:53 From Doris Fellenz : Maura, I have that book and I take cayenne pepper capsules every day.
20:07:10 From Martha : I too am terrified of heights!
20:07:41 From Maura : Reacted to "Maura, I have that b…" with ❤️
20:09:04 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Www.60upfitness/members I think
20:12:02 From Maura : Movement/music
An old form of dance in my country called Sean- Nós.
Variations but it
Can be completely improvisational-no predefined step sequences- just move to music
20:12:37 From Martha : Fascinating answer! The importance of “variability”!! Thank you, Dan!
20:16:18 From Martha : So you’re saying that wearing shoes will be rather LESS effective than wearing the non-slip socks… Right?
20:16:26 From Dr. Tom Lewis To robert fischer(privately) : I was so pleased to see that you joined - as long as it was not from the “after life”
20:18:42 From umesh :
20:19:35 From Doris Fellenz : Thank you umesh.
20:19:44 From Martha : If you’re not afraid of falling and want to optimize the benefit, is it better to try to do the exercises when NOT holding on to the poles?
20:20:23 From Doris Fellenz : Martha, you have lost your mine.
20:20:32 From Doris Fellenz : I cant do that yet.
20:20:45 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Martha, you have los..." with 😂
20:20:51 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "If you’re not afraid..." with ❤️
20:22:46 From Linda E : Is there some way to get Dan bigger so it’s easier to see what he’s doing?
20:23:17 From Martha : We could “spotlight” Dan, right? …then his face will be bigger, yes?
20:23:20 From Doris Fellenz : Lina, use the speaker view
20:23:34 From Martha : Doris – I’ll be!!
20:23:41 From Linda E : How do I do that?
20:24:02 From Linda E : He’s not full screen for me...
20:24:08 From Doris Fellenz : Linda, see the view button
20:24:19 From Doris Fellenz : at the top and select it.
20:24:25 From Linda E : GOT IT! thank hyou
20:25:07 From Martha : Sandy Nelson is on
20:29:44 From robert fischer To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : A near miss but I not qualified, yet!
20:37:58 From Dr. Tom Lewis To robert fischer(privately) : Keep trying - effort matters per Dan!
20:42:29 From Doris Fellenz To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Please have him come back next week also. Please, info is so informative.
20:56:18 From robert fischer To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : What an excellent irony made currant. You are a true gift. But I'm still going to turn you in!
20:59:26 From Doris Fellenz : I find this presentation to be so informative. I just love the explanation of each routine.
20:59:47 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "I find this presenta..." with ❤️
21:00:17 From Doris Fellenz : Now he looks like he is skiing
21:01:42 From delores carter : Have you demo the basic program?
21:03:45 From nareshchand : Cost and return policy etc
21:04:07 From Doris Fellenz : Yes, there is a return policy.
21:05:15 From WG : Very interesting that the muscle strength and brain connection are actually two different things
21:05:53 From Doris Fellenz : I agree WG.
21:07:36 From Marsha Zoll : This is the best!
21:08:14 From WG : Do you find this balance training helps with seasickness? Seems like it would.
21:08:29 From Doris Fellenz : Yes, he needs to come back again, maybe twice more as his reasoning helps me see everything better.
21:08:59 From Carol Willis : Reacted to "Yes, he needs to com..." with ❤️
21:09:15 From WG : Better to do barefoot?
21:09:17 From Linda E : I am finding that the exercises were very agitating to my brain. Is this something that can be worked through? (I have a head injury)
21:10:09 From Martha : Literally, it comes back like riding a bicycle!
21:10:14 From Marsha Zoll : I'm using the board e eryday - is that ok?
21:11:44 From Maura : Reacted to "Better to do barefoo…" with 👍
21:12:06 From Maura : Reacted to "I am finding that th…" with ❤️
21:12:19 From Maura : Reacted to "I'm using the board …" with 👍
21:14:47 From Dr. Michelle Gamble / Sankofa Healing : I bought the board - how do we get access to the classes?
21:14:54 From WG : BAREFOOT better?
21:15:10 From Doris Fellenz : Will the board replace hip surgery?
21:18:06 From delores carter : How does this exercise affect high BP?
21:18:44 From Dr. Tom Lewis : I have indexed all our Rumble webinar videos. Here is the link to the index
21:18:49 From Dr. Tom Lewis :
21:18:51 From Maura : Reacted to "Yes, he needs to com…" with ❤️
21:19:48 From Maura : Reacted to "https://www.healthre…" with 👍
21:20:27 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Other than castor oil - cod liver oil. Better to take both.
21:21:03 From Maura : Reacted to "Other than castor oi…" with 👍
21:21:57 From nareshchand : Judy was supposed to give Link.
21:22:18 From Jeffrey To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Very nice job! What is 55 reserved for?
21:23:06 From Dr. Tom Lewis To Jeffrey(privately) : I deleted a duplicate - and the numbering isn’t automatic - so I’m skipping it for now.
21:23:23 From Jeffrey To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Reacted to "I deleted a duplicat..." with 👍
21:23:35 From Dr. Tom Lewis : This is the place to start - The manual and basic videos
21:23:36 From Dr. Tom Lewis :
21:23:51 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "This is the place to..." with ❤️
21:24:24 From eileen armes : dr. lewis, how much castor oil are you suggesting we take?
21:24:35 From umesh : How do we get the discount on the $349 purchase price?
21:24:56 From Maura : Reacted to "dr. lewis, how much …" with 👍
21:25:00 From Doris Fellenz To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : I never thought to take castor oil with cod liver oil. I take cod liver oil.
21:25:42 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Castor oil: Adults and children over 12 years of age: 1 to a maximum of 4 Tablespoons (15 to 60 mL) in a single daily dose - children 2 to under 12 years of age: 1 to a maximum of 3 teaspoons
21:26:01 From Maura : Reacted to "Castor oil: Adults …" with 👍
21:26:07 From Dr. Tom Lewis : I would suggest 1 tablespoon = 1/2 shot glass - of both.
21:27:33 From Doris Fellenz To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Will the castor oil send me to the bathroom?
21:29:39 From Dr. Tom Lewis : If you haven’t taken castor oil - start with just a little and work your way up to avoid an emergency trip to the bathroom.
21:32:39 From Doris Fellenz : I use to take castor oil because my mother made all 10 of us take it every major holiday. The castor oil made me gag because of the texture and taste. Maybe I will take a capsule instead.
21:33:20 From Doris Fellenz : oh no! Close my eyes!!
21:35:22 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Https://
21:35:49 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Coupon code C0001M applied at checkout.
21:36:02 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Coupon code C0001M a..." with ❤️
21:36:58 From Dr. Tom Lewis : My dog is watching me and thinks I’m nuts so she came over and got between my legs….
21:37:16 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "My dog is watching m..." with 😂
21:37:27 From Maura : Reacted to "I use to take castor…" with 💕
21:37:34 From Jeffrey : Reacted to "Coupon code C0001M a..." with 😀
21:37:47 From Maura : Reacted to "My dog is watching m…" with 😂
21:37:49 From Jeffrey : Removed a 😀 reaction from "Coupon code C0001M a..."
21:37:59 From Jeffrey : Reacted to "My dog is watching m..." with 😄
21:38:06 From Maura : Reacted to "If you haven’t taken…" with 👍
21:38:24 From Linda E : Reacted to "My dog is watching m..." with 😃
21:41:38 From Martha : Interesting relationship between “body consciousness” and “brain consciousness” – between “reflexive” and “reflective”! More generally, “body consciousness” works always works in tandem with “brain consciousness.”
21:41:51 From cowgirl : Reacted to "My dog is watching m…" with 😂
21:42:45 From delores carter : Reacted to "Coupon code C0001M a…" with ❤️
21:43:04 From Martha : I meant – More generally, “body consciousness” always works in tandem with “brain consciousness.”
21:43:07 From Shawn : I have pain in several joints due RA, my right leg is much weaker because of it…
21:43:09 From delores carter : Reacted to "I meant – More gener…" with ❤️
21:43:16 From cowgirl : Awesome presentation THANKYOU!!
21:44:11 From Delbert : Reacted to "Awesome presentation..." with 😂
21:44:13 From delores carter : Do we go to the Up60 website to order with discount code?
21:44:52 From Delbert : Dr. Tom. Are you coloring your hair?😆
21:44:57 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Delores - see the link and coupon code above - use the code at checkout.
21:45:33 From Dr. Tom Lewis : I am not coloring- but I’m on a new supplement and castor oil and it seems to be darkening… we’ll see.
21:46:10 From Linda E : I know you’ve covered this - but where would the starting point be to start working on the board? I’d like to follow a video much like you’ve shown us tonight. This has been great, thank you.
21:46:11 From Maura : Replying to "Interesting relation…"
The mind is a gift
Have you listened to Dr John Lennox - PhD, Oxford -
21:46:21 From Joel B Peterson :
21:46:44 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Linda: I gave link to the training and video area of his site. Look up the chat
21:47:11 From Joel B Peterson : And JAQUISHBIOMEDICAL.COM
21:47:17 From Linda E : will do thanks
21:47:31 From Dr. Michelle Gamble / Sankofa Healing : I bought the board - how do we get access to the classes?
21:48:07 From Dr. Tom Lewis :
21:48:36 From Jeffrey : Replying to ""
I think you meant .org
21:48:37 From Shawn : Thank helpful!
21:48:47 From Dr. Tom Lewis :
21:49:01 From Dr. Tom Lewis : 60 up balance training Dan
21:49:09 From Dr. Michelle Gamble / Sankofa Healing : Live classes
21:49:40 From umesh : The C0001M discount code does not work on the shopping cart. the price remains at $349. Is that the price AFTER the discount?
21:49:41 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Call Megan - look for the customer services number on the website.
21:49:42 From Doris Fellenz : Meagan is so nice1
21:49:53 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Yes umesh
21:49:57 From Jeffrey : Replying to ""
then again, maybe not because its asking me to sign in
21:50:28 From umesh : Reacted to "Yes umesh" with 👍
21:50:41 From Doris Fellenz : Replying to ""
umesh, that is the price before the discount.
21:50:43 From Dr. Tom Lewis : (855) 721-7888
Hours: Mon-Fri, 9am - 3pm PST
21:51:03 From delores carter : Does the above link with the code auto give the price when placing order. Price 349? Or is there an additional discount?
21:51:13 From Dr. Tom Lewis : No that is the price
21:51:33 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Facebook 60upfitness/members
21:51:50 From Doris Fellenz : Nope, it was $30.00 less
21:51:53 From Joel B Peterson : Replying to ""
WOW, shouldn’t be, bet thanks for letting me know! Thats probably for members! They are in cities, and online! They have the centers, and they have the bands, and vibrating plate!
21:52:00 From Dr. Tom Lewis : 855.721.7888
21:52:30 From Martha : Replying to "The C0001M discount ..."
umesh – Go to the website – – and the price is $349 – go to the bottom of that page and you will see – “Enjoy 10% off plus free shipping”
21:52:31 From Sandy Nelson : Dan is a fabulous trainer and motivator! Another wonderful evening. Thank you, all.
21:52:44 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Dan is a fabulous tr..." with ❤️
21:53:07 From Maura : A million thanks Dan - great presentation
21:53:09 From umesh : Reacted to "umesh – Go to the we..." with 👍
21:53:53 From Martha : Replying to "The C0001M discount ..."
So you get a 10% x $349 = $34.90 discount. Go for it!
21:54:27 From delores carter : Thank you, Dan! Great info and I look forward to pursuing this exciting benefit!
21:54:34 From Doris Fellenz : Martha's price is accurate.
21:54:54 From Jeffrey : Reacted to "WOW, shouldn’t be, b..." with 👍
21:55:09 From Ms May : Thank you Dan, state of the art technology
21:55:25 From Martha : This was an amazing presentation, Dan! Thank you!!
21:56:55 From umesh : Replying to "The C0001M discount ..."
@Martha Thank you!!
21:56:58 From Doris Fellenz : You are funny Dr. Lewis.
21:57:20 From Maura : Reacted to "You are funny Dr. Le…" with 😂
21:58:23 From Joel B Peterson : Replying to "Dan is a fabulous tr..."
GLAD your here! Apologize fro contacting you back! Dad was in hospital with double pneumonia! Will contact asap!
21:58:28 From nareshchand : You did a great job.
21:58:29 From Doris Fellenz : I always add 6 years to my life so they think I look so young. Even though I look younger for my age.
21:59:00 From Martha : Replying to "I always add 6 years..."
LOL, Doris!!!!!!
21:59:06 From Joel B Peterson : WOW! OOH RAA, and SEMPER Fi!
21:59:24 From Linda E : Thank you, this was so great!
21:59:55 From MGP : Thanks !
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