A Parody Video About Kamala Harris

1 year ago

Kama Kama Kama Kama Kama Kamala Harris

We make parody videos of the powerful elite. This time, it's Kamala Harris! The only person on Earth who can make Joe Biden look competent.

Verse 1
When Biden chose Kamala to be his VP
He knew she would guarantee his job security
No one on Earth is better cover
For the vegetable in chief (cutout broccoli)
They didn't replace him for her even when they discovered
He gets lost on stage and poops his briefs

Kamala Harris
A Fwee-dumb VP (play Fweedom sample)
Hated Universally
It takes a simpleton to be Biden's political beard
He won't get impeached cause that would put you in the president's seat

Verse 2
How can such an ignoramus
Pass the bar and get a law degree?
She repeats her words and her phrases
And hopes at some point she'll figure out what they mean

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