Horse Is Captivated By A Little Girl Reading To Him

6 years ago

An adorable blond girl who is no more than 5 years old, with her hair perfectly made in two long plaits is reading a book to a captivated horse that has just been saved on a rescue mission.
The scene not only stirs up interest but it also makes you wonder how this video ends. Does this girl finish reading the story successfully or her beautiful white ‘student’ decides he had enough and misbehaves?

Will the <a href="" target="_blank">horse</a> interrupt her? Judging by the start, we are sure that the story will be successfully read and nicely ended by the time the video finishes.

Swiftly browsing through the pages, this girl wants to teach the horse everything all at once. Though we know that horses are intelligent, the velocity of her hands’ movements are more than this horse can chew. Or maybe not? The <a href="" target="_blank">girl</a> and her story have such a powerful influence on this horse, his enchanted face and body hardly ever moves as if he wants to show respect and gratitude for being taught so well. Not even the neighing and running of the other horse will interrupt this lovely tale.

Judging by the extremely attentive look on the horse’s face, we are certain that he gets the gist and whenever this gorgeous horse sees a picture in the book, he maximally erects his body making sure not to miss a letter out of this incredibly educational book. It makes you wonder what the name of the story is and where can you buy it? Just for the sake of curiosity.

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