Nanotechnology & Bhasm in Ayurveda Part 1 with Prof. Balram Singh & Dr. Mrittunjoy Guha Majumdar

1 year ago

In the first of a two-video series interaction between Prof. Balram Singh (Institute of Advanced Sciences) and Dr. Mrittunjoy Guha Majumdar (IISc Bangalore), the centre of focus is the Ayurvedic approach to proactive well-being. Ayurveda is one of the few extant traditions of medicine developed in ancient times that is still widely practiced in modern times, even though many, particularly in the Western world, doubt its claims. The key question is that if we have a system that can be experimented on and empirically proven, is that valid or is it still pseudo-science as Johannes Quack calls Ayurveda? In this interaction, the emphasis on looking at rigorous modern scientific attestations of Ayurveda, particularly around how the biochemical profiles of an individual are interconnected - much like the interconnectedness spoken of within the human constitution as per Ayurveda, intra-cellular dynamics and genomic aspects of what Ayurveda has to say, as well as the veracity of the FDA's claim of the chemical danger of some Ayurvedic products.

Time Stamp :
00:00 - Introduction
00:55 - Guest introduction- Prof. Balram Singh
02:16 - Ayurveda's potential
06:00 - concept of quality in Ayurveda
11:16- Modern science & Ayurveda
16:37- 3 doshas- Vata, Pitta & Kapha
20:30 - parallels between dosha-s and modern systems
25:00- Modern Medicine Vs Ayurveda
43:40- Does Bhasma have adverse side effects?
50:46 - silver nano particles as a potential drug
1:00:37- correlation between textual characterizations of Bhasma and modern studies

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