Nephilim Footprint?!

11 months ago

It was July 14th 2022 and I was about to go wading in a creek near my house. I got to the location at 6:45 pm and I dropped in next to a bridge to get to the creek. I waded downstream for an hour and then headed back to the entry point next to the bridge. When I got to the bridge I noticed a giant footprint at 8:30 pm that wasn't there before. The footprint was 3 ft. long and 2 ft. wide. The footprint was humanoid looking except it had 3 giant toes. As I tried to investigate and photograph the footprint my feet were sinking deep within the mud half way up my shins. Both of my shoes fell off at one point because they got stuck in the mud. I managed to take several photos and leave. That very night I decided to make a plaster cast of the footprint the next day. So on July 15th at 8:00 pm I started to cast the footprint. It required 4 25 pound bags of plaster of paris and 2 large tote lids to stand on so I wouldn't sink in the mud. At 8:50 pm I was finished making the cast and left. The next morning I got to the location at 6:00 am and finished loading it in my car at 7:00 am and took it home. Now I know there are some questions like: Why is there only one footprint? Couldn't this just have been made by somebody? Do you really think there is a 3 toed giant walking around? I don't believe there is a physical flesh and blood giant walking around that was able to leave this one footprint behind. The bible talks about the nephilim in the book of Genesis and the book of Enoch.

Genesis 6:1-4
Enoch 6 through 7:6
Enoch 15:8 through 16:1

If this has been faked, someone very creative and imaginative would've had to think to put 3 toes instead of 5 toes. The toes were also different sizes with the one in the middle smaller than the two on the outside. There is also a gap between two of the toes showing separation. They also would've had to figure out how to make this footprint without leaving a single footprint or trace behind them. The only footprints in the area were mine and I was sinking half way up my shins in mud whenever I tried to get near the footprint. I believe the footprint to belong to one of these giant nephilim/evil spirits the bible talks about. What do you think?

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