"A Toddler Plays Piano With Her Feet"

6 years ago

"You know how toddlers have a way of doing things differently than adults? Well, this toddler decided to try and play piano with her feet! Now, we are not sure if classical or jazz composers ever wrote a piece for feet, but this toddler is rocking her ABCs on the small electrical piano. But that’s not all! She gets so carried by the song, that she finally starts to bang all over the piano using both her hands. We are not sure if this counts as a talent, but we would surely want to have her energy! Trust us, you’ve never heard such a hilarious version of ABC song. We had a pretty strong reaction to this performance, but as you’ll see, a little girl’s dog stayed very indifferent. Maybe he got used to such unusual and exceptional concerts, or maybe he is just tired of listening to the awful noise of the electric piano. Either way, we are very lucky to have heard this performance, because it is the hilarious thing we’ve heard in a while! We bet you’ll love this musician - toddler, as well!"

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