Article 4677 Video - International Public Notice: What Trump Is Doing By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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Article 4677 Video - International Public Notice: What Trump Is Doing - Wednesday, February 28, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

Donald Trump is running for the "Presidency" of a foreign, for-profit corporation, and trying to set up an agreement with an unincorporated business set up by U.S. Citizens calling itself "The Republic of the United States of America" to do a Bait and Switch Substitution Fraud against the interests of the American People, similar to the substitution of British Territorial States-of-States for American States-of-States that occurred after the Civil War.

This is part and parcel of the Modus Operandi of these crooks and has been since Day One --- substitute "a" President for "The" President, substitute a State-of-State organization run by Tories for a State-of-State organization run by Americans, substitute a corporation merely calling itself "The United States of America" -- Incorporated, for the actual government and the actual people.

These are all crimes of impersonation and personage and fraud schemes aimed at identity theft and credit fraud.

The Donald's affiliation with The Republic of the United States of America is no different. The people running it are all U.S. Citizens and are as foreign to this country and our States as someone from Cuba.

They are literally acting as Subcontractors who are supposed to be here providing us with "essential government services" and who are allowed to be here under the provisions of the Residence Act -- but are instead promoting self-interested crimes against us.

They aren't supposed to be here pretending to be us and this is your Notice that they are not allowed to represent us concerning matters that we never assigned to them, either.

Administration of our Federal Republic is one of those things we retain for ourselves and our own Administration.

If Mr. Trump wants to do the right thing by this country he will cease and desist this False Pretense and stop trying to substitute a phony foreign "Republic of the United States of America" fronted by British Territorial U.S. Citizens.

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