Article 4676 Video - The New World Order is Upside Down By Anna Von Reitz

11 months ago

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Article 4676 Video - The New World Order is Upside Down - Wednesday, February 28, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

It’s simple really.

As a thing is bound, so it is unbound.

If you want to change the order of something you invert it. 1,2,3 becomes 3,2,1. The slave becomes the Master. Money is worth less than nothing. Doctors promote disease for their own profit. Lawyers subvert justice for the same reasons. The head of the Christian Church converts to Satanism in an effort to avoid his obligations under Ecclesiastical Law. The “King” of England comes out of the closet and reveals his dependency on the Pope and Rome, though that has been his condition and the condition of all his ancestors for over 800 years. The literal order of things is thrown to the wolves.

This happens every 26,000 years and each time the world that men have created and imposed upon the Earth is destroyed and a new Age under different powers begins. Notice what is said about this — the world will be destroyed, but the True God will bring to ruin those who are ruining the Earth—- and make all things new.

Take note of what Yehoshuah told you; “My Kingdom is not of this Age.”

What is different this time is that we have finally remembered our lessons. So we do not need to repeat anything. The so-called “Eternal Return” is ended. There will be no “once and future King”. No more wheel of karma.

The Interstice between worlds has been shut down. The energetic grid of the Earth, distorted for thousands of years, is being restored. The Millstones have been prepared and those who have harmed our children will be drowned in the depths of sea made of fire. They will be isolated and cast out forever.

It’s over, kids. We passed Linear Algebra and Calculus and a whole lot more. We learned to self-govern, and on top of our conscience, we grew a Shinola Sensor, so that all the guile and wiles and lies and fear-mongering and omissions and deliberate confusion coming from all the “Q”s are dissected and obvious before us.

Q is the designated code name of the late Queen, the theft scheme know as “Quantitative Easing” - QEII, and the Kabbalah—only spelled as it sometimes is, like this: Quabbalah.

Body, Mind, and Soul have been enslaved by these parasites, but now it comes to an end. The only surprise is that so many remembered and took a stand for Life, and have remained true no matter what.

To them is granted much honor, joy, and grace.

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