Your cellphone is a loaded weapon of mass destruction! X CENSORED Now! Democrats hate you.

10 months ago

Now that I am completely censored let us continue to talk about your #CyberSecurity. Your cellphone is a loaded weapon that does nothing but spy on you. Everything you do using your cellphone is recorded by the NSA for your entire lifetime. Imagine what this is doing to your children! Most Americans have given a gun to their children with no instruction on how to use it. You must limit their cellphone ability to destroy their future life. A funny video recorded by your child's friends of something disturbing will come back to haunt them. You must stop this behavior.

#DemocratsHateAmerica #Democrats hate you an America. As criminals from all over the world pour into America the atrocities will continue. Democrats want the chaos to further their authoritarian agenda.

I have been censored by Google but now also by X. I don't even get a reply or like on X anymore. I continue to post in hope this will change someday.

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