Inphinity Design: Architecting a New Harmonious Earth

1 year ago

Today I had the absolute pleasure and privilege to share space with Jodie and Can, the highly creative and visionary founders of Inphinity Design.

I’m so grateful for conversations such as these because they are a powerful way to amplify focused intention to run through the magnetic gamut of our collective light spectrum and heart frequency to generate loving momentum and crystallisation of our beautiful visions of a New Harmonious Earth.

We learn more about who they are and what they have created as a full service creative architecture business, and New Earth Project facilitator.

Jodie and Can are an incredibly creative and dynamic pair of beautiful souls, with a diverse range of highly attuned skills, who can offer heart-wisdom and expertise to assist with the co-creation and birthing of any level of New Earth project opportunity. And with a growing team of other talented professionals behind them, they have built a formidable orchestra and force for good within our world, to help lead the charge into materialising and actualising our New Harmonious Earth.

We discuss how they can assist other dreamers and creative visionaries who are seeking to anchor their soul’s calling to co-create and build harmonious structures and creations for humanity, designed to support the wellbeing and health of all life, and honour the frequency upliftment and betterment of all organic and sacred creation on our beloved Earth.

Together we welcome home the return of all to the remembering of our ancient future.

Sending Inphinite love and gratitude to you all.

If you wish to contact Inphinity Design please visit:

If you wish to contact Rianna please visit:

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