40 Days of Prayer, His Special Possession, Deuteronomy 14:2, Week 3 Day 4

7 months ago

Welcome to 40 Days of Prayer, His Special Possession, Deuteronomy 14:2, Week 3 Day 4

As an introvert, there are many times I am content to observe and not stand out. I’m happy with serving in the background and blending in. It can be mindless in the chaos; it can be comfortable when everything else seems so drastically changing and radical. It’s sometimes even easier that way, especially in this present world when it seems like any opinion or stance you take is both criticized and up for ridicule.

But right now, the truth about God is so blurred. We have a desperate need for people to be different, to stand out. And although the idea of standing out is often not one of the attributes we love as Christians, especially for introverts, the world is rapidly pushing and trying to tell us to stay in its boundaries, to stay to the side.

This competitive, power-hungry world can make you feel like you’ve been set aside, rejected, and unwanted. But God has way better plans for each of us than that. He calls us to be set apart, which means to be given an assignment or special task, to be a special possession—His special possession. And there is something wonderfully comforting and powerful in the realization that He has personally chosen each one of us to represent Him here on the earth. So, may we stand bold in this truth and feel compelled to stand up and out for Christ, to show His love and mercy to all the world.

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