I Had No Idea! Advanced Cheats Are Running Wild In Call of Duty... Cross Play & Sbmm - Rant

1 year ago

#mwiii #campaign #mw3 #modernwarfareiii #modernwarfare3 #callofduty #cod #mwii #rant #sbmm #eomm #broken #warzone #season2 #gassedup #bundles #destiny #engineowning

Call of duty will never die because the COD community are a bunch of losers.
Cheaters really think they're doing some good because activision is scamming us. Advanced cheats can turn off when they're being investigated by ricochet. Apparently they've been able to do this since black ops 2. Crossplay with pc has to go & it's time for a new engine

Call of Duty Modern Warfare III Farm 18 & Destiny 2 Gameplay - PS5

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