This Could Destroy The WEF!!!

1 year ago

2 Timothy 4:3-4.
Truth can be uncomfortable, which explains why so many are drawn to the soothing lies that tickle our ears, as mentioned in 2 Timothy 4:3-4.

It's easier to listen to what makes us feel good rather than face the hard truths.

The concept of God's sovereignty should bring us hope, peace, and a sense of security, not based on the conditions of this flawed world, but on the promise of something far greater.

Our faith, patience, and endurance are being tested—this is what tribulation is all about.

Even Satan's clever tricks are being used by God to sift through humanity, separating the genuine from the pretenders, much like separating wheat from chaff and sheep from goats.

In the grand scheme, even Satan is merely a pawn in God's plan for salvation.

So, let's shift our focus away from worldly desires and the things that make us feel good.

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