🦋 2ND Visit 🦅 With PRINCESS 🦜

1 year ago

MANIFEST HARD MATES !!!! The "Universe" IS LISTENING !!!!!!!!!
First time ever on my shoulder - gave her time and could have bitten my lip CLEAN OFF... MAGNIFICENT ... isn't she just --- ( actually lost for words.. just wow - F@CK IT.. incredible - Majestic - breath taking - stunning - just wow )
My Mate's Pet.... Ladies and Legends Meet PRINCESS..... and for MANY of you "robbo" without the Mullet Wig.. 😘 for the first time too... ❤
this is the FIRST time She has been on my shoulder.... (Had to cut video at the end. felt a tear starting... )
First time I've been to my old mates house ( as I assumed his mates were looking after him and just got out of hospital... and still no-one really cared.. )
If PRINCESS wants me....... that might happen one day... and that is what may be also happening in my life at the moment....
PRINCESS WILL out live me 100 % ...
WON the HUGE meat tray the last Saturday... and from my $20 pokie limit got about $250 in 30 mins...
Hugged an old bar maid that I thought was sad.. and brought her a kg of my honey.... she said.. are you Psychic. ?? lol Just really needed a hug and was about to quit... ( nice chat... told her she is seen.. she is worthy .... you are awesome... )
I have to stop setting my self up to cry ALLLLLMOST cry . so much 😉 ( GET BACK UP IN THERE TEAR ... lol )

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