CABIN STORY LIE - Shiny Happy People, Gothard, IBLP & Duggars

1 year ago

A clearly false gossip filled story about Bill Gothard of the Institute in Basic Life Principles has been spread around the media and on the internet all by people who have an agenda to bring down IBLP and Gothard by any means possible.

This "cabin story" was mentioned again in Shiny Happy People, the hit piece docuseries on Amazon Prime, to bolster a narrative that Bill Gothard is a sexual predator. With the help of Brooke Arnold, Joshua Pease and even John Cornish and Kari Underwood of the slanderous website Recovering Grace, more lies are spread. And what's worse, the latter two know the story has no credibility but refuse to take it off their website.

Shiny Happy People allowed the slander, of course, because it fit their narrative.

For more information about the documentary Shiny SLANDER, visit or

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