'B!tch, Are You In Charge?' Tucker Carlson Blasts Bush's Actions On 9/11

1 year ago

‘You know, George W. Bush fled Washington on 9/11’ —— Tucker Carlson: “And I’m not like some tough guy, but I just think it’s obvious if you’re in charge. You know, I’m at my house and I feel like someone broke in, I’m not going to say to my wife, ‘Hey, baby, go, go deal with the home invasion.’ I’m gonna deal with it because I’m dad. Okay? So if you’re the president of a country and your capital city is attacked as ours was at the Pentagon, and you run away, ‘Oh the Secret Service told me to.’ B*tch, are you in charge? Like, who’s daddy here? The Secret Service? Do you know what I mean? I found that totally contemptible.”
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