Feeling Out of Place in The Ego’s World

11 months ago

March 22 - Feeling Out of Place in The Ego’s World
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If in the ego’s world you feel like a tourist in a foreign land, it is because you are. You have volunteered to come and assist your brothers and sisters remember their true home/natural state by first recognizing it within yourself. When you are expressing your truth, your natural state will be aligned with the love that God is. Love has many expressions such as being joyful, peaceful, forgiving, and compassionate. When you are radiating this love, others will not only feel this energy, but also remember it as their own. We are all One, and thus when you align with your Oneness, ‘others’ will be naturally drawn to what you have to offer. Through you they will begin recalling their true-selves, and in your victories over the ego’s illusionary world they will find their hope.

Today we consciously stop judging others or ourselves for buying into the ego’s world. Instead we remember and acknowledge the sacred nature of each and every one of our journeys. Today we walk through the ego’s storm with the full knowledge that there is Someone much wiser than us who is walking hand in hand with us. Imagine the wisdom and life experience that those walking through the ego’s storm are obtaining, and coming out of this storm with the tools that only life experience can offer. Imagine them then sharing those tools with those brothers and sisters who are still stuck in a storm of their own making. How much respect do such beings truly deserve?
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