Dismissing The Ego as Your Guide

11 months ago

March 23 - Dismissing The Ego as Your Guide
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Let us no longer look for fulfillment with the ego as our guide. Let us no longer look for clarity, peace, joy, love and understanding where there is none to find. The ego would have us focus our search on “what” we do, and how valued our peers, family or society perceive such work to be. It has us focus on how much money we can accumulate for our efforts. Truth would have you focus your search on “why” you do something, and “how” it makes you feel. There are very deep and sacred reasons why you love and are passionate about certain aspects of life. This is not by chance. What fulfills you — your own individual passions, hopes, desires and dreams — are very specific to you. They are keys that can help you realize your soul’s unique and sacred mission.

Today, let us remember that anytime we are reacting through judgment or fear, it is because we are allowing the ego to guide us. God is Love and All and we are His creations. Judgment and fear, being in opposition to love, are not representative of the truth in us. They are simply signs that show us when we are letting the ego direct our lives. When we are allowing the ego to rule over us, it is not the truth in us that is living our lives. It is a sleepwalking, programmed version of us that has taken our place. With this self-awareness, let us redirect our time, focus and energy toward aligning with our passions, desires, hopes and dreams. As we do so, we chip away at the ego’s control over us, and take greater control and personal responsibility for guiding our own lives.
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