The Foundation Of Faith Series #2 - Very Powerful Not For Fake People

1 year ago

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0:00:40 the rules for Faith vs Knowledge in God
0:01:45 the topic of Santa in Ohr Sameach yeshiva
0:04:17 the list of claims of Santa
0:05:31 anti-Jewish YNET published Santa's book
0:06:30 why listen to or even look at Santa isn't allowed
0:09:10 evaluation of Santa's book by chacham R. Efraim Kachlon, Av Bet Din
0:10:42 Torah 2k y ago refuted the "I didn't ask to be created" claim
0:15:41 people who know only part of Santa's claim
0:18:00 Santa contradicts the Sages re modesty
0:19:05 Santa contradicts the Torah re gays
0:20:03 what motivates Santa to twist God's word?
0:21:55 Rambam: upon entering Israel the Jews
i) are forbidden to make any agreement/covenant with the 7 nations
ii) have no right to leave Israeli land in their possession, neither to have mercy on idolworshippers
iii) not allowed to merry those 7 nations
iv) must destroy all idols including their foundation (table/altar, root of tree) become Noahides ger toshav (not ger tzedek)
0:33:15 why the rest of the city was killed for the sin of criminals
0:39:09 laws of Gentiles are different than Jews, they receive death penalty for stealing
0:40:43 repetition of the 4 obligation upon entering Israel
0:42:40 what if the 7 nations refuse to cooperate
0:48:28 laws of gentiles apply all around the world
0:52:41 why Shabbat desecrators aren't executed today?
0:54:44 idolworshipping is blooming in Israel today
i) any partnership with the wicked is forbidden
ii) join the enemy to minimise damage from inside
1:01:47 the 3rd generation was born in Israel
1:04:19 why did Berlin vomited out the Jews? why did the goyim became allergic to the Jews?
1:05:35 why the second half of Hitler's claims aren't taught in Israel?
1:06:57 why the second half of Hamas' claims aren't taught in Israel?
1:08:28 reasons for a war - parshat Bo, Beshalachm Vayera
1:12:52 how much authority does the Jewish Court have over the gentiles?
1:16:21 are gentiles obligated to listen to the rabbis?
1:19:11 is one obligated to rebuke a secular Jew?
1:22:51 one who justifies the wicked (dancing on a gay parade)
1:30:23 the wicked despise the righteous
1:31:33 English has NO WORD FOR the opposite of lazy
1:32:38 why was the world created and what destroys it?
1:35:13 what does the wife of an ignorant Jew say?
1:42:06 the agony of DIVORCE
1:46:26 monster to an angel in 3 months
1:48:38 Din Rodef, the "law of the pursuer"

The Foundation Of Faith Series #2 - Very Powerful Not For Fake People

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