US soldier sets himself on fire outsideIsraeli Embassy in Washington to protestwar on Gaza

7 months ago

"I will no longer be complicit in genocide."An active-duty member of the US Air Force,Aaron Bushnell, set himself on fire outside theIsraeli Embassy in Washington, DC on Sundayin protest against the war on Gaza.

In a video of the act, which Bushnell filmedhimself and live-streamed on Twitch, the25-year-old said he was going to "engage inan extreme act of protest but" but went on tosay that his actions were minimal comparedto the suffering of Palestinians.

Bushnell poured a liquid over himself andignited it while yelling "Free Palestine"repeatedly. Police officers rushed to dousethe flames with fire extinguishers as Bushnellcollapsed. He was transported to a localhospital and was last reported to be in critical condition.

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