Correct The Way You Wash Your Hands By Using This Simple Tip

7 years ago

Washing your hands is something we do every day – we wash our hands before eating, after using the washroom, while we’re cooking, we teach our kids the importance of wash their hands… It’s fair to say that it’s something we’re all pretty familiar with.
But – have we ever really stopped and taken a closer look at why we wash our hands so frequently? Or - are we doing it properly?

Stop everything. Turns out you’ve probably been washing your hands wrong all this time and they could currently be riddled with germs. it’s a wonder we’ve managed to survive this long. Don’t be too alarmed though. There’s hope for us yet. The guys at You’re Doing it Wrong have come up with a YouTube video to help you figure out just how to get your hands squeaky clean.

According to the Sklar Brothers most of us are not washing our hands properly after using the loo. it’s important to spend at least 20 seconds washing your hands after you’ve been to the toilet – something only five percent of us actually do, according to a Michigan State University study. Michigan State University discovered that 23 percent of people don’t use soap when washing their hands after using the loo, while 10% don’t wash their hands at all. The Sklar Brothers say we should focus more attention on our fingertips, since they are likely to be the most dirty. It’s also important to use soap (a quick rinse is not enough to kill germs) and use a paper towel rather than hand dryers to dry hands off thoroughly - wet hands are worse than dry hands for spreading bacteria, and dryers don’t tend to get hands completely dry.

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