2/24/24 Time traveler:be on guard!The story of Scrooge/Devine masculine/avoid negative timeline.

11 months ago

Story of scrooge
stopping someone for falling into the mark of the beast just in time for the timeline split!
deal with the galatic federation vs deal with the devil
humans working with robots
Devine feminine its up to you to help this person not fall for ai
troubled loner
illnesss... sign would be spots
2 people going their seperate ways
devine feminine you are headed to meet other devine feminines next
someone is going to tap into your memory like a past self devine feminne
there will be no presidential run 2024
Power gone out?
negative timeline is for those deceive by illusion (The formula) the veil next chapter
donot put your light down you are a light bearer....chosen ones!statue of liberty
Last attempt!? this what training has been about
hallucination...powered up
call at question?....
a distant city...escape? trapped in a illusion bubble
into, matrix dodging neo scene ai/antichrist scene
this black moon is different. revelations
dog? farewell
new shoes..
Stronger together chosen ones!
system is down (matrix) God is trying to help us. recieve the message dont be fooled.
angel number #611, feathers (what were you doing)?
pour out? hugs...
Part 3 didnt record.

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