From the pit to the palace

1 year ago

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10th of February 2024 04.24
Prophetic Word
Mette Mirani Sternkopf

My beloved sons and daughters of Zion. In these days, you will explore new things with Me, but I Am cleaning and sweeping My House, so get ready and prepare your hearts for greater chances.

Many in your leadership and individuals will be taken out before Me, because I have given you time to repent from your sins and iniquities. I speak harshly to you because you have known the truth but you wouldn't listen to Me and you have put My Name to shame. You have mocked Me, crucified Me and you spit on Me through your double standards. You live one lifestyle in the church and you live another disgusting lifestyle in the secret. You say in your heart, that no one sees you, BUT I HAVE SEEN YOU. I have to remove you with My own hand, because My Name is Holy and you should be holy too!

To My Remnants who are living their lives holy and pure. You who have refused to touch the unclean and evil things of this world, will see changes like Joseph, like Esther, like David, like Ruth and like many of My servants. What has been will be again. Your lives will be changed forever within a split second.

Don't you know that I Am able to do it all over the world at once? Who has created the world? Who has made firmament? Who has put the stars in Heaven?

Before creation I was there.

I am The Living God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I Am, The Living Water, I Am The Bread of Life, I Am a consuming Fire and I Holy be ye also holy.

I Am The Ancient of Days and I Am That I Am.
I have already send My Angel Armies to the Earth to assist you for your advancement because My Kingdom glory will be seen on My true children.

You will shine in My glory and your lives will forever change. You will grow in revelation knowledge of Me.

I will say again to you My children ,in one moment you are in your house and in the next moment you will sit in the palace. I have called you to be kings and priests with Me.

So rejoice, dance and sing before Me because I will come with My vengeance and justice will be served! I Am your righteousness and I Am will make crooked ways straight. I will make waste land into a land of plentiful and overflow and you will be called a delightsome land. I will make you prosper as I Am, prosper. Rest in Me and you will never thirst.

Romans 8:13-14. Psalm 24. 1. Corinthians 10 Romans 2:6. Acts 7:8. Genesis 17:10-14. Genesis 21:2-4. Genesis 25:26. Genesis 29:31-35. Genesis 30:1-24. Genesis 35:16-26. Revelation 1:18. John. 6:48. John. 6:35. Deu 4:24. Hebrew. 12:26.

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