The time is pregnant

11 months ago

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3th of February 2024 16.03
Prophetic word
Mette Mirani Sternkopf

The time is pregnant with promises to be fulfilled. The atmosphere is pregnant with promises to be fulfilled.
Get ready, my children! Buckle up and get ready to go on a wild ride. I am accelerating the time. Yes, the times and the calendars have been changed and it has been corrupted by your adversary, Satan.

Be like the sons of Issachar. Know the word of God, know His will, know the truth, know the voice of God and His thoughts. Sharpen your ears to hear.
I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Listen to Me, how will you know My voice if you don't spend time with me? How will you know My will if you are not reading My Word, the Bible.
I say man shall not live by bread alone but from every word that proceeds from My mouth.

How can we have a relationship if you are too busy with other things?
I say stay focused, stay awake and aware like a soldier on guard! I say, you have already won because of My son.
Stand firm in your faith in Me and in My word because My Kingdom is unshakable.
Stand firm and stay close to Me. I will shake everything that can be shaken to the ground and what is eternal will not perish.
Oh hear Me My Children have clean hearts and clean hands and you will be able to stand in victory.

My children, you are born to live in total and complete freedom in your spirit, in your soul and in your body.
You are born into wealth that the world hasn't ever seen before. Your transformation is near because My children will be as the light of Me.
You are born in My image and in My likeness. So act like Me, believe like Me and walk like Me. I will never leave you or forsake you.
Anchor your heart in My word, anchor your heart in My spirit because My deep will call your deep.

My kingdom's glory will be seen in My sons and daughters. My glory will hit the Earth so lift up your voice in praise. Be cheerful and rejoice!
Genesis 21:5. Genesis 45:14-15. Exodus 3:14. Act. 7:8
Genesis 17: 10-14. Genesis 21:2-4. Genesis 25:26. Genesis 29:31-35. Genesis 31:1-24. Genesis 35:16-26. John.10:27. Luke.4:4. Matthew 4:4
#propheticword #faith #pregnant #time

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