"Brother Nathanael Kapner Sets the Record Straight | Young Penitent" (10Feb2024)

1 year ago

Streamed live on Feb 10, 2024
Who is Brother Nathanael? Where does he come from? Why does he wear black clothes with a Kamilavka - that tall circular hat on his head? In the first interview, we discussed Brother Nathanael's Jewish upbringing, and the interview brought us up to the moment when he read the New Testament for the first time. In this interview we will complete the story, finding out what happened after he read the New Testament. We will find out what happened in the intervening years between then and now when he finds himself as a tonsured monk in ROCOR.

We will also be discussing what happened to Brother's YouTube channel "Bible with Brother," which mysteriously disappeared several months ago. We will find out what he has been doing since losing his YouTube channel and where his videos are available to be seen now.

Finally, we will discuss what Brother sees as the crisis happening in the Orthodox Church, and what the solution is to this crisis.

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