DNA contaminants in COVID-19 vaccines

1 year ago

Kevin_McKernan, con claridad y autoridad, destroza por completo la narrativa que los cómplices absolutos han estado diciendo durante un año. Es decir, que el ADN en las inyecciones de terapia génica es intrascendente.

Estos venenos deben retirarse del mercado de inmediato y debe haber una investigación criminal no partidista sobre todos y me refiero a TODOS los que estuvieron involucrados en esta tragedia que ha sido infligida al mundo entero, destruyendo las vidas de tantas familias.

Kevin_McKernan, with clarity and authority, completely shreds the narrative that absolute shills have been spouting for a year,. Namely that DNA in the gene therapy injections is inconsequential.

These poisons need to be pulled off the market immediately and there needs to be a non-partisan criminal investigation into everyone and I mean EVERYONE who was involved with this tragedy that has been inflicted on the entire world, destroying the lives of so many families


Blacksheep on X: https://x.com/Blacksh49424801

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