Democracy' White Genocide 😠

7 months ago

Under White Rule, South Africa was a 1st/2nd-world country. Under Black Rule (for 30 years now), South Africa is a 3rd/4th-world country & the Crime Capital of the World Coz Blacks caNt run any country successfully..! 👎 For 2 decades now, We've been saying : "Stop Die Plaasmoorde" (which is Afrikaans for : Stop The Farm Murders" ie. Stop The Blacks from killing Our Dear White Farmers) - Whites built up South Africa & Yet the Blacks have had the nerve to come against the Whites..❕😠 It's Common Sense, that if there are different races living in a country especially here in Africa, the only way that country is gonna survive/thrive, Is if there's Segregation of those different races❕👏

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